Lodging-house keepers were favourable in like manner; and for the like reasons were not to be trusted.
That evening I went down to the Embankment to meet him, as he had arranged to take Paddy and myself to a lodging-house south of the river.
On Third Avenue they marched, a seemingly weary way, to Eighth Street, where there was a lodging-house, closed, apparently, for the night.
He remembered a lodging-house where there were little, close rooms, with gas-jets in them, almost pre-arranged, he thought, for what he wanted to do, which rented for fifteen cents.
It happened one day that the son of a king, while riding in the forest, came by chance upon the dwarfs' house and asked for a night's lodging.
A woman in Bristol read about her in a newspaper and recognized her as a girl who had stayed at her lodging house not too long before.
He could see that this was not the way for me to get on, and prevailed upon my brother to allow him to take me to London, and leave me there to myself in a lodging house.
According to the Owner's requirements, no dormitory and kitchen will be built on site. We shall rent rooms using as our managerial staff and workers' lodging house and dining room.
The contestants will be provided free board and lodging at CMS International Guest House, CMS Kanpur Road, Lucknow.
But no sooner did he reach his Melchester lodging than he found awaiting him a letter which had arrived that morning a few minutes after he had left the house.
Do you feel tired today, go back your lodging house have a rest for a while.
Ronald McDonald House is a temporary lodging facility for families to stay while their children receive treatment for life threatening illnesses at nearby hospitals.
It was a grasshopper lodging house.
It was a grasshopper lodging house.