Provide the user with a log-out button in the web application, and make it prominent.
In the case of a log-out, the session logger logs the reason for the logout (for example, timed out) as the URI parameter.
As you log in and log out, you should see the text in the LoginView control change as expected.
You can see that a logged-in user can log out or view his or her profile, and a logged out user can sign up or log in.
To verify that the application is working, post a new status message and then log out and create a new user.
Using JSPs, functionality has been added to your client's application to log users out of the forum (as opposed to closing the browser to log out).
The Rails methods above create three cookies when you log in, and delete them when you log out.
Log out of the administrative console.
In this article, the test scenario example in this article requires the user to log into the DayTrader application, buy and sell stock, and then log out of the application.
Log out of your computer and create a new user account which has limited rights to change the PC's Settings.
Configure HTTP rewrite rules to log out to an unprotected uri.
Note: Do not log out of the WebSphere administrative console yet.
Later, you use a.jsp script that allows users to log out.
You may now log out of the WebSphere administrative console.
You might want to run this with the nohup option if you need to log out of the system.
Log out and log back in so your new group membership (group sbox) will take effect and you're done.
You may log out of the WebSphere administrative console.
Log out and then log back in so the changes to the portlet parameters take affect.
If it does, then log out and log in as ordermgr to check if the task is available to ordermgr as well.
After you have modified and saved the configuration files, choose a non-root user account to test and log out all instances of that user from the system.
Another (relatively minor) improvement you can make to the administration module is to selectively display certain links (such as a "log out" link) only if the user has already logged in.
The "trusted" attribute could be cancelled by a log out, or it could simply time out.
Once the nodes have restarted (green arrows in status column), log out of the Admin Console.
At this point in the application, the user can either return to select a new flight, or log out of the application.
On any PC, but particularly on a shared or public PC--such as one in a hotel or library--make sure you log out of the Web-mail client.
The mother was to take the glowing log out of the fire and bury it in the garden, and her child would live as long as it remained unconsumed.
The user needs to close the browser to log out of the application.
Log out from the administrative console.
Web sites like Google and Amazon offer an unobtrusive text link in the header that allows you to log in and log out.
The login_logout.php script was created as a "general purpose" script, designed to enable users to both log in and log out from individual pages.
login _ logout . php脚本是作为“一般作用”脚本创建的,它设计用于使用户能从各自的页面登录或者注销。