I have a log cabin in those same woods of Northern Wisconsin.
We didn’t have Internet in our log cabin and of course as usual we didn’t watch TV.
But when Ibought this Zombie proof log cabin I became the envy of all my neighbors!
James A. Garfield was born in a log cabin, and his father died when he was only a baby.
The big ash Wolf not and difficultly destroyed a grass house, log cabin and brick house.
In contrast to cozy and dark log cabins, the new cabin is voluminous and filled with light.
The main lodge was a towering old log cabin, and the guest rooms were small wooden cottages.
Dorian had offered to take me panning for gold in return for helping with work on his new log cabin.
Ruth taught all her 8 children she gave birth to most of them alone in a dirt floored log cabin!
I asked my friend John Foster, a capable craftsman who built the log cabin where he lives, for advice.
于是,向我的朋友约翰·福斯特征求意见。 他是一位很有才华的工匠,擅长建造适人居住的小木屋。
The very "American" log cabin, a la Abraham Lincoln, actually comes from the Swedish colonial style.
Laura Ingalls's story begins in 1871 in a little log cabin on the edge of the Big Woods of Wisconsin.
There was even a book available for a modest price that showed how to deliver your own baby in a log cabin.
Fetlock Jones was put under lock and key in an unoccupied log cabin, and left there to await his trial.
Sleepily, I look around the screened-in porch of our family's log cabin, where we spend our summer weeks.
It was snowing when I arrived, and the clouds had settled on the slopes of the mountains behind their log cabin.
A log cabin is built under the stairs leading to the second floor, and the stairs are hidden behind the log cabin.
It wasn't a log cabin, and it was far from the woods, but there were lace curtains, a hardwood floor and a quilt on the bed.
Now I'm wondering if they took her off to a log cabin in the woods after they were done, introduced her to a friendly shrink.
Covered with canvas and drawn by four to six horses, the Conestoga wagon rivaled the log cabin as the primary symbol of the pioneer.
Prof Thomson began his research in the late 1980s after buying a remote plot of land and building a log cabin in a meadow full of glacier lilies.
Later, when I got into politics, being able to say I had lived on a farm with an outhouse made a great story, almost as good as being born in a log cabin.
I know it's impossible to simplify our modern day lives to the point of living in a log cabin, but we could learn something about ourselves from our primal roots.
They looked gaunt and exhausted. Clad in authentic costume, they were cooking buckwheat pancakes at a remote log cabin and wiring the soles back on to their authentic boots.
They looked gaunt and exhausted. Clad in authentic costume, they were cooking buckwheat pancakes at a remote log cabin and wiring the soles back on to their authentic boots.