When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.
The first time he couldn't lift a heavy log, he joked about it; but later that same day I saw him outside alone, straining to lift it.
As a bonus, in researching this little factoid I discovered a new word I hadn't known before; kerf. When you cut up a log into boards the thickness of your saw matters.
我在查询这个小词的时候,额外地发现了一个我以前不知道的新词:kerf .当你要把一根原木切割成一块块木板时,你的锯的厚度很关键。
In Germany, newlyweds must instantly put their bond to the test by working together to saw a log in half in front of all their guests.
The lord Buddha saw a very big log being carried down the river by the current.
I waited till I reckoned he had got a good start; then I out with my saw, and went to work on that log again.
I got under the table and raised the blanket, and went to work to saw a section of the big bottom log out - big enough to let me through.
In 1999, has completely cancelled the log, the saw log import customs duty. Causes the lumber import quantity unceasingly to rise.
The log is more like a stiffness accompanied by a metaphoric chain saw buzz from my apparently LOUD snoring.
It was about a foot in diameter at the big end, and he had expected to get a good saw-log, but it was so rotten as to be fit only for fuel, if for that.
The log cabin in which he first saw the light of day had only one room sixteen feet long and eighteen feet wide, one low door, and one small window, and no covering on the beaten-down earthen floor.
The log cabin in which he first saw the light of day had only one room sixteen feet long and eighteen feet wide, one low door, and one small window, and no covering on the beaten-down earthen floor.