Receiving clients can either log on periodically and check for new messages or set up a listener component that is always online awaiting new messages from the provider.
Imagine this scenario: Your application gets an exception, the exception handler kicks in and you have set it up to log to a file.
The last thing we need to do in this add-on is to configure project logging and set up the log level to trace.
For example, some customers may choose to set up a log shipping environment on a standby machine.
This article describes how the audit log is set up, and what data is written to the audit log table.
Config service will set up log directories and properly resolve port conflicts.
Invite et to log on: a group of scientists have set up a web site asking for an extra-terrestrial intelligence to send them an E-mail.
Optionally set up an audit log for viewing and tracking documents.
Before getting into specifics about what to log, let's set up the basics for logging.
You must set up SSH to allow the NIM server to log in to the HMC without providing a password.
The pre-loading was incorporated as part of the load testing, which was set up to read a list of all of the HKEYs and log each user into the portal once.
预装载被合并为装载测试的一部分,它设计用来一次读取保存所有HKEY 的列表并将每个用户记录到门户。
The next step in creating an IRC bot is to set up a server the bot can log into.
If you need to, you can add your own code here to set up the database connection before the EcoSpace is loaded - perhaps to authorize the user or log in to a database.
Use the login screen to set up a new user and log in. You can also log in on the console as root, no password required.
Therefore the log interpretation model should be set up in consideration of the different reservoir types and its key problem is to identify the low permeability reservoir type by use of log data.
To get Google+ Android app working you must first install the app, then log into Google+ via the Web to set up a link to your phone.
When the VIO server is up, log in with the padmin user ID and set its password.
当VIO服务器启动时,用用户ID padmin登录并设置密码。
In a typical WebSphere Application Server configuration, logging is set up to write normal and severe log messages to two files, named SystemOut.log and SystemErr.log, respectively.
在一个典型的WebSphereApplicationServer配置中,日志记录被设置为将普通和严重的日志消息分别写入两个文件,即SystemOut . log和SystemErr . log。
Then, set up your log options by choosing options - log.
It's easy to set up Perfmon to log to a comma-separated value (CSV) file with time stamps so you can correlate with other logs.
设置Perfmon记录带时间戳的记录逗号分隔值(comma - separated value (csv))文件很容易,您可以用它关联到其他日志。
Invite et to log on: a group of scientists have set up a web site asking for an extra-terrestrial intelligence to send them ane-mail.
Is there a log signed by the set-up operator and countersigned by the cross check operator before start-up?
Hydrocarbon saturation equation was set up according to T1 difference between hydrocarbon and water in dual polarization time NMR log.
To complete the setup process, have the user log on to the computer you want to set up.
An exact statistical fit and auto-correction system for neutron log data has been set up with the use of image network statistics, network weighted analysis (algorithm) and fit.
The method, by means of non-linear algorithm of neural network technology, is used to set up a non-linear relation among sonic log curve, SP, Rt, Gr and curves.
The result shows that such a model adaptable to the local fields can be set up easily only if the core analysis data and log data are qualified.
Through micro-shield APP, you can view the exception log in, set up landing protected, change passwords, view account security level, ready to lock the account.
Through micro-shield APP, you can view the exception log in, set up landing protected, change passwords, view account security level, ready to lock the account.