The query output can be in user-defined formats, so you can implement the business logic easily without additional programming efforts.
This separate storage should be accessed using a routing service to keep the complexity from crowding the programming logic.
To make modifications to the output style and layout might be difficult and even problematic as it can require significant changes in the programming logic to achieve.
This reduces the total programming effort by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic, while ensuring the consistency and validity of the data.
By implementing a rules engine, changes to business rules can be managed and implemented by business analysts, thereby avoiding programming for changes to business logic.
Application logic can invoke or deliver services using a range of programming models and techniques without considering whether the connection is direct or whether it traverses an ESB.
This software logic can be written in a higher level programming language, or it can be executed as assembler logic on a computer chip.
If an integration scenario requires some complex programming logic, an integration Developer works with a component Developer to create a new component for the integration.
This reduces the total programming effort by removing duplicated code in the application and by reducing the amount of effort spent in writing database control logic.
Using XML across multiple software tiers simplifies programming logic and reduces development costs.
The SOA programming model also needs a unified paradigm for creating and accessing business logic.
The components use declarative programming to embed business logic and call workflow engines, schedulers, and business rules engines.
Programming for an ESB usually involves a visual environment, representing the logic as a flow of connected activities called a message flow or mediation flow.
On the other hand, there are also many programming languages that are declarative in style, including both functional and logic languages, and also including both general purpose and specialized ones.
This programming model enables you to focus solely on the business logic of your application, without getting bogged down by the details of the persistence mechanism.
Defensive programming constructs have prevented many a defect, but the constructs themselves tend to litter code with repetitive logic.
Both programming models let you create pooled and daemon threads to run J2EE business logic.
SCA relieves programmers from the complexity of traditional middleware programming by abstracting it from business logic.
It is actually a programming language in and of itself and can be used with complex logic statements, as well as to simply pull out snippets of text.
DB2 performs these updates directly on the server, minimizing the application programming logic and transfer of data that otherwise need to occur.
DB 2直接在服务器上执行这些更新,最小化了应用程序编程逻辑和数据传输。
After all, the "b" in BPEL stands for "business," so BPEL should be used only for programming on the business logic level.
Their use would drastically reduce bugs in code and improve your skill in using proven methods to test programming logic.
Integrating business logic without additional programming.
Question: Doesn't AJAX break model 2 programming and take us back to include non-presentation logic in our Web pages like the bad old days?
问:Ajax 是不是破坏了Model2编程,并将我们带回到像以前那种Web页面中包括非表示逻辑的情况?
ActionScript, a powerful object-oriented programming language, is used to create client logic.
The most common forms of basic logic and decision making within programming are the do-while and if-then-else approaches.
Some issues require re-programming and changing entire sections of code logic.
Declarative techniques: the J2EE programming model is an example of using declarative techniques to provide separation of concerns between the application logic and the configuration of middleware.
MVC is an architectural pattern in programming that isolates business logic from the UI, allowing one to be modified separately from the other (also known as separation of concerns).
MVC is an architectural pattern in programming that isolates business logic from the UI, allowing one to be modified separately from the other (also known as separation of concerns).