One of the reasons lies in normative logic itself, such as in its paradox orin its inconvincible system.
The book explores some of the biggest ideas in contemporary physics and how they undergird such everyday matters as risk assessment, logic and even our understanding of beauty.
We put some invisible HTML elements here, such as XML islands, and logic, such as polling for new messages and alarms.
Note that the simple methods in Listing 1 can be called from other classes, such as our business delegates, to perform validation logic as needed.
The logic behind such a backup script is quite simple: obtain a list of tables from the database, iterate over this list and use commands such as DESC?
这类备份脚本背后的逻辑很简单:从数据库取得一个表列表,迭代此列表并使用如DESC ?
Remove all business logic from the database such as stored procedures and move it into the application.
Customers often need such items as custom reports and calculation logic. There are also cases where functionality such as Time Entry is not needed by all clients.
The eBay Desktop as an example has a high degree of logic on the client to provide an engaging user experience with features such as countdown timers, and system tray notifications.
We may find out that the dark energy vanishes in a puff of logic when we rid our mathematics of certain assumptions – such as the assumption that the universe is the same in every direction.
当我们排除我们在数学上的某些假设——诸如:假设宇宙在任意一个方向上都是相同的,我们会发现:暗能量在逻辑上成为泡影(“vanishes in apuffof logic”亦译:按逻辑的喷团消失——译者)。
In other words, integration logic (such as protocol transformation, message format transformation, and so on) is separated from business logic (that is, the actual function that a service performs).
Define all controller logic for an application task, such as a search process, in one place, instead of scattering that logic across many places.
This provides benefits such as a well-known service interface that may be easier to consume in integration middleware and presentation logic.
Some enhancements you might consider adding would include logic to parse out things such as the location of the queue manager in the file system, or better error handling.
This is sensible if the logic to be performed clearly represents integration logic, such as data enrichment or simple aggregation.
Since the business logic is buried inside the code, even a smallest change, such as changing the maximum permitted age for insurance, requires a full-cycle it change, which is often a lengthy process.
Keeping services focused on business logic rather than communication details, such as message format, was a pivotal aspect of the architecture.
In addition, any other business logic can also be performed, such as placing the form on a workflow process.
The same thinking can be applied to other system elements, such as elements supporting business logic or data logic.
These backups can be used to restore databases to their proper state after data corruption events, such as software failures, hardware failures, bad application logic, and user errors.
Logical tiers divide the conceptual architecture into components that play specific roles within the application, such as presentation, application logic, business processes, and data access.
Changes to the business logic of a process, such as add or remove activities, add or remove links or branches, add data variables, and modify fault handling of a process.
The business logic tier enforces the rules of the business, such as calculations and workflow, that drive the application.
Other elements of the system, such as application presentation logic, were only expected to be clients.
We focus on dynamic content, such as integrated business logic, or newly arrived mail, which is constantly changing.
Processing entities such as collaborations apply specific business logic to the bo's of interest and respond to a client's request.
Unit testing addresses the internal structure, such as logic and dataflow, and the testing of functions and the externally visible behavior of the unit.
This typically involves a filtering process that includes logic to group related nodes by tag name, remove prohibited items such as deprecated tags and attributes, and others.
Yet MVC requires that view components, such as JSPs, be free of logic.
The component selection mechanism is based on some defined set of criteria, data or logic (such as current date and time).
The component selection mechanism is based on some defined set of criteria, data or logic (such as current date and time).