Logic programming language HPROLOG is a prolog-like language. It is mainly a deductive database query language.
The PARLOG is a parallel logic programming language, having a prospective application future -in Al and parallel processing area.
With the use of these rules, the efficiency of logic programming system and the semantics of logic programming language can be improved.
Nowadays, the paradigms, namely the object—oriented language and the logic programming language, are two attractive knowledge programming languages.
A logic programming language EXLOGL based on extended PROLOG is proposed and its interpreting system architecture, knowledge base structure and deductive solution principle are discussed.
This software logic can be written in a higher level programming language, or it can be executed as assembler logic on a computer chip.
It is actually a programming language in and of itself and can be used with complex logic statements, as well as to simply pull out snippets of text.
ActionScript, a powerful object-oriented programming language, is used to create client logic.
XYZ/E is a temporal logic system as well as a programming language. It can represent almost every kind of significant features in conventional imperative languages.
The control software adopts 984 Ladder Diagram. Its complicated logic is difficult to understand, and it doesn't accord with IEC programming language.
This paper puts forward PASCAL process blueprint, an oriented standard PASCAL programming language, diagrammatized representation for program process logic.
提出一种面向标准PASCAL语言的程序处理逻辑图形化表示法- PASCAL过程蓝图。
This paper puts forward PASCAL process blueprint, an oriented standard PASCAL programming language, diagrammatized representation for program process logic.
提出一种面向标准PASCAL语言的程序处理逻辑图形化表示法- PASCAL过程蓝图。