Some modes are logically equivalent but differ in their purpose.
The identity transformation copies each node in the source to the output to provide a logically equivalent tree.
In theory, a logic synthesis tool guarantees that the first netlist is logically equivalent to the RTL source code.
Five SQL queries were defined over the relational schema in Figure 9 that are logically equivalent to our five XQueries over XML columns.
Every regular expression is logically equivalent to a state machine, and the parser of every regular expression implements a state machine.
DATALINK provides access to external resources, or URLs, while the BOOLEAN type is logically equivalent to the BIT type, but adds semantic meaning.
The code in Listing 13 is logically equivalent to the XML configuration in Listing 6 and Listing 9, though of course Listing 13 USES Groovy code to define the beans.
An object and a class are logically equivalent. In practice, a class is the prototype for an object, while an instance is a particular incarnation of the object.
This paper gives a definition of processes and describes the concept of synchronizing mechanisms. Several synchronizing mechanisms are discussed and it is proved that they are logically equivalent.
With this metaphor, it could be logically asserted that lightning is the weather system equivalent of communication among clouds.
With this metaphor, it could be logically asserted that lightning is the weather system equivalent of communication among clouds.