It was not long before a helicopter arrived on the scene to save the survivors of the plane crash.
Also, try not to set them up for failure by going too long without food or spending more then a couple of hours sitting in a car or plane seat.
For the Twin Otter plane - about the only plane that can operate up here - you need a flat area 305 metres long, 30m wide with an average of 60cm ice thickness.
This is a massive astronomical object, possibly a brown dwarf6, which is on a long elliptical orbit around our own sun on an inclined plane to the rest of the planets.
I am not going to tell you that I can make a long car or plane trip pleasant or instruct you to happily sing songs in the front seat to spread your joy around.
Food that is healthy for the plane is the same food nutritionists have been encouraging us to eat all long.
It causes a yearly spurt of activity, increased plane traffic and excitement to areas otherwise quiet and dormant during the long Alaskan winter.
On long train and plane rides I've found my original iPad invaluable.
On a recent long-distance flight, I used a headset to listen to music available on the plane.
You see, I take this long-hour plane frequently, but the jet lag still makes me uneasy.
And as long as I torque it like this, that spin angular momentum wants to go around in the horizontal plane.
After a number of long distance flights the two clocks were compared and the one that had been on the plane was running behind the clock that had stayed on the ground.
Modern means of communication have made the travellers reserve a plane seat or a hotel room from a long distance.
The thousands of flowers left outside the Manhattan apartment building where John Kennedy Jr. resided had long withered when the final reports on his plane crash were issued.
We're in - after a long struggle, we were finally able to get two seats on a plane.
Although the airstrip is not long enough in the urgent landing, the veteran pilot still stopped the plane after it slipped for some time.
MOSCOW - Russia and Ukraine have agreed to revive long-standing plans to produce the An-70 military transport plane, the head of the design bureau at Ukrainian aerospace company Antonov said Aug. 19.
I'm pretty certain I had an unbranded version of this back in 1984, which I bought for $5 and played with all the way to Australia one long plane flight.
Two 30,000 light-year-long blobs called Fermi bubbles have been discovered on either side of our galactic plane. John Matson reports
How long will it take to inflate the bags and haul the plane to the surface?
After waiting for long time, our plane finally took off and within 5 minutes, it rose to 20000 meters.
She would want to avoid prolonged periods of immobility (long car, plane or train rides) but some of it is just bad luck of the draw.
The 29-foot-long space plane, much smaller than the space shuttles, can stay in orbit for up to nine months.
The paper introduced a design method that the plane curve design of out distance long control with whirl line.
The paper introduced a design method that the plane curve design of out distance long control with whirl line.