The long bond fell more than a percentage point, while every other economic indicator that signals a weaker dollar and higher inflation also rose.
One year ago we predicted that US long bond rates would rise. This is exactly what happened and the 30 year Treasury Bond yield went from 2.5% to 4.6% during the year.
Bond markets are especially overbought and I can't think of more spectacular profit potential particularly at the long end of the spectrum.
So politicians naturally want to keep interest rates and bond yields as low as possible for as long as possible.
Longer-dated bond yields have risen in recent weeks and the gap between long - and short-term rates (known as the "yield curve") is much higher than normal.
But a world in which inflation, bond yields and short rates were trending higher would be the complete opposite of that which has prevailed during the long bull run.
For the biggest beneficiaries of ratings have not been long-term bond investors but the Wall Street firms that used the system to foist misrated debt on them.
There was camaraderie between them, a bond forged by long days in the trenches.
Of course, Greece may be able to cut its long-term bond yields if the austerity plan is pushed through.
Well, one suggestion is the EU could look at the bond yields that Greece has had to offer over a long time period to sell government debt, rather than just focussing on the recent past.
And I partly made up for missing out on a bond rally (5% annual return on long-term bonds) by favoring growth-oriented mutual funds over value funds.
What is more, Citi's nonguaranteed bond cost 2.19 percentage points more than the 3.31% aggregate interest rate it was paying on all its long-term debt at the end of June.
Mr Green believes the demand for short-term debt has also shaken the long-term bond market out of its torpor, pushing issues from $8 billion to $13 billion.
It did the bulk of its borrowing through long-term bond auctions, resulting in a relatively long average maturity for the national debt.
Mortgages payable, long-term leases, long-term notes payable, and bond payable are a few examples of long-term liabilities.
Structural deficits soon re-emerged, but the bond market no longer seemed to care, as long as the global savings glut kept America's borrowing costs low.
I don't have any foreign bond funds myself; I was turned off long ago by their risk and illiquidity.
'mother tongue' is not a coincidental phrase - people have long imagined that the close bond between mother and child meant that children acquire language from their mothers, not their fathers.
And it seemed to work, thanks to the long period of disinflation from 1982 onwards, which saw nominal bond yields fall sharply and share prices rise substantially.
But it's one thing to talk reasonably about long-term difficulties, and another to spread fear about a bond-default apocalypse.
As long as bond yields stay low, warnings from ratings agencies can be ignored.
Expectations that the Federal Reserve will undertake a second round of bond purchases to lower long-term interest rates has pushed the dollar down against the euro and the yen.
The banks’ bond holdings, long seen as ultra-safe, are slowly starting to look more like a risk.
The banks' bond holdings, long seen as ultra-safe, are slowly starting to look more like a risk.
Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.
Since the average maturity of the Fed's bond holdings is five to ten years, the Fed will have to find a way to mop up, or "sterilise", the related bank reserves for a long time.