I had a long conversation with Paul this morning; he's very nice to talk to informally.
Marriage is one long conversation chequered by disputes---Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish novelist.
I had a long conversation with Arsene and it was the greatest conversation I have had with anyone in my life.
For instance, when temptation strikes and you don't have time for a long conversation with God — simply cry out!
After having a long conversation with one of my matches about how much I hate my job, I decided to meet up with him.
The Rat and the Otter were having a long conversation about river-bank matters, so the Mole began to talk to the Badger.
One father had a long conversation with his son when a monitor repeatedly showed the boy felt more anxious around him. And Dr.
After-school teacher called his office, began a long conversation, After the talk, he walk out from the office, is a complex expression.
TAKE a taxi in Bangkok and the driver’s mobile phone is sure to chirp. A long conversation ensues, usually by speakerphone, since few cabbies bother with headsets.
Ms Donaldson said the visit, which was scheduled to last half an hour, turned into an hour-long conversation as Julie-Ann entertained her colleagues with tales of life in the big time.
When I went in the summer, my friend Maria and I had a long conversation about the pros and cons of eating grass, but concluded that, not being ungulates, we didn't have the stomachs for it.
The two giant pandas will be on show from 2017 to 2019 to confirm our long term conversation partnership promise between China and Canada.
If you see a conversation as a fight or competition, you can win by cheating as long as you don't get caught.
Long queues, delayed flights and overcrowding at airports have become almost as much a topic for conversation in Britain as the traditional complaining about the weather.
That night, Bertelli and Prada sat together at the head of their long oval table, presiding over the guests and the conversation.
The conversation doesn't stay on one topic for all that long
It also works with all traditional Hibernate patterns, especially the long (atomic) conversation pattern used by JBoss Seam.
它还可以运行在所有传统的Hibernate模式下,尤其是JBoss Seam所使用的长会话(原子性)模式下。
Not long after my conversation with Menawi, I received an E-mail from Shahira Amin. She asked whether I thought she should go back to work for Egypt TV.
But this does not tell you, like in a chat conversation, how long each segment of the downloading has stopped and reconnected.
That has long made it possible to have a polite conversation in English, without worrying too much about what you actually call the other person.
That bit he understood he was a dealer, after all, and could understand quite long words but after that the conversation rapidly went downhill from his point of view.
That bit he understood he was a dealer, after all, and could understand quite long words but after that the conversation rapidly went downhill from his point of view.