Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket.
The seemingly harmless daddy long leg is in fact venomous but its teeth cannot break through human skin.
Objective To investigate the effect of long leg orthosis on lower limb function rehabilitation of hemiplegics.
Grampy stretched his long leg out straight and reached his huge hand deep into the pocket. I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried.
The virus moves from a leg bitten by a rabid dog up the long axons leading to the spinal cord, then jumps to dendrites of other nerves and travels up to the brain, where it causes horrific damage.
If you have a firm grip and can stand on one leg, it may indicate that you are heading for a long life, according to a new study.
They didn't bother me much, but when a brown recluse spider bit Hillary, her leg swelled up enormously and took a long time to go back down.
The 3-inch (7.6-centimeter) insect-which resembles a modern mayfly-likely stayed in the mud long enough to move its leg before flying off, leaving a perfect impression.
Doctors say anyone with pain, swelling or red skin on a leg during or after a long trip may have a blood clot.
Beauty is a woman's nature, but of socks to send, colleagues in all right, only Miss Zhang after wearing feeling not only leg confine badly, wearing a long time can hardly walk.
Kahlo contracted polio at age six, which left her right leg thinner than the left, which Kahlo disguised by wearing long, colorful skirts.
If we took 2 boats, stuck each leg in a different boat, how long do you suppose it'll take for us to get across the lake?
I knew for a very long time that my right leg was good enough, but when you're a left-footed player and miss a chance or two with your right then maybe people think, 'it's his bad leg'.
"We've run our leg in our long journey of progress, knowing that our work is and will always be unfinished," he said.
"As long as it doesn't mean a tumor (4) is growing on my leg because of my BlackBerry, I'm fine with it," he said.
Gungans have strong leg muscles for swimming, and are aided by their long fin-like ears.
Luckily, there is a way out - purchase cheap clothes that fit. Make sure that a pant leg is not too loose or long.
The length of any leg of a speed course should be long enough so that inadvertent timing errors do not introduce appreciable errors into calculated speed.
Long John Silver, he is called, and he has lost a leg fighting for his country.
One of them hopped about on one leg in his long white nightgown, and the other stood on a chair surrounded by the clothes of all the children, and declared he was acting Grecian statues.
Back and leg pain can be a major problem when working long hours in non ergonomic office chairs and a non ergonomics desk set up.
One pirate had a long beard, the other had a big black moustache, and the third one had a wooden leg.
Before long, his son became fond of riding. One day he fell from a horse and broke his leg. Again, his neighbors all felt sorry for him.
Shaughnessy said the owner of Chanel, Chanel are easily fatigued, because of cataract also need to wear goggles in the sun, long after the leg has a benign tumor.
Shaughnessy said the owner of Chanel, Chanel are easily fatigued, because of cataract also need to wear goggles in the sun, long after the leg has a benign tumor.