This new weapon is called a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) .
I am responsible for financial development programs in many parts of the world, so forecasting long range trends and making predictions on the basis of present evidence is what I do.
Mortimer displays his gunslinging skill as he easily kills Calloway from a long range.
A short term goal such as 6 months and also a long range goal, such as 3 years.
Hill, T. and Westbrook, r., "SWOT analysis: it's time for a product recall", Long Range Planning, February 1997.
and Westbrook,r .,“SWOT分析:是时候召回产品了”,《长期规划》,1997年2月。
Data from offshore will also be sent to land for use by en route controllers, thus providing long range high level cover.
Northrop Grumman is the Air Force's prime contractor for the B-2, the flagship of the nation's long range strike arsenal.
Mr Tusk has been unable to draw Mr Kaczynski into a live debate: the opposition leader prefers firing off grand statements at long range.
In fact, personal growth and a prosperous U.S. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.
Long range acoustic devices, or LRADs, emit sound waves loud enough to cause pain and permanent damage that could be directed towards the pirates.
In fact, personal growth and a prosperous U. s. economy are considered to be the long range rewards of individual and collective technological prowess.
Present technologies would require a mobile device to have three different network connections: tiny range wireless, long range wireless, and very high speed wired.
Its low radar cross-section, variable-geometry wings, advanced avionics, and afterburning engines combine to provide long range, maneuverability, high speed and survivability.
Too many people in this country, including some among our elected leadership, still do not understand how science works or why robust, long-range investments in research vitally matter.
It was first developed for the US government as a long-range spy aircraft, but was abandoned following budget cutbacks.
The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether.
The goalie saved brilliantly from Johnson's long-range shot.
Such dishes can also be repurposed for long-range internet connections that do not involve satellites.
The radar affords the helicopter long-range search, imaging, and tracking capabilities for surface vessels and includes an advanced periscope detection mode.
The radar provides the helicopter with long-range search, imaging and tracking of surface vessels, a periscope detection mode, and the IFF to identify other aircraft in flight.
It may be hard to plan your exit while planning your beginning; however a successful business plan includes long-range plans.
While the new plan for NASA does not specify a long-range target for exploration, Bolden said Mars is the ultimate objective.
In any case, Orwell didn't live to see the long-range social impact of his work.
Rival Boeing is offering the KC-767 Advanced Tanker, a modified version of its 767-200 long-range freighter.
He called on Nato to destroy Colonel Gaddafi's long-range Grad rocket launchers.
The latest item to join the projection party is the long-range outlook for the federal budget.
Space has served military operations at the strategic level, mainly for early-warning and long-range intelligence surveillance in airpower mission planning.
Genes simply blindly code for the production of proteins, blissfully unaware of their ultimate long-range effects.
Genes simply blindly code for the production of proteins, blissfully unaware of their ultimate long-range effects.