Have a long term goal, ability won't because of a temporary setbacks and frustration.
However, new habits are the long term goal-changing your desires and creating a new, better lifestyle.
A ratio of 2 to 1 is realistic when you start to build positive interactions, and 5 to 1 is the long term goal.
But I think there would be a lot of concerns about that and we should have a very wise, long term goal, not short term, that would be very important.
The strategic choice is the organization's strategy; it describes the ways the organization will attemp to fulfill its mission and achieve its long term goal.
Our mid to long term goal is to establish a stable and robust system so as to deliver 10 projects a year with annual good profit and cash flow growth by 2010.
His long-term goal is to put one million people there if something bad happens to us here on Earth.
If you find your skills don't match well with your current position or your employer's core business, your long-term goal should be to determine your true passions and find a job that suits them.
I have stressed the need to have interim targets when we set an ambitious long-term goal.
If you're heading towards any sort of long-term goal, a simple journal can be a very powerful tool.
Pick a long-term goal that you can give some time regularly, something that really matters to you.
In recent years, however, interest in malaria eradication as a long-term goal has re-emerged.
That is a lofty long-term goal, of course, but this technology allows us to start marching towards it.
I said then — and I will repeat now — that this is a long-term goal, one that may not even be achieved in my lifetime.
University of California researcher Ying-Hui Fu said: 'My long-term goal is to someday learn enough so we can manipulate the sleep pathways without damaging our health.
The discovery of water on the moon will bolster Nasa's long-term goal of establishing a permanently crewed outpost there.
I also find it useful to find an image that captures a long-term goal and place it in a place that I’ll see regularly.
Even if a free float of the yuan cannot be realized in the short term, it must be a long-term goal.
I was asked on many occasions by friends in Europe, "What is the long-term goal of China?"
For each action, try to separate out the long-term goal from the next step (which may be a baby-step).
"The long-term goal is not to meet the demand of a single area or a single phase, we want to continuously improve the food safety across the country through the campaign," he said.
David Miliband said beyond the short-term goal of establishing a ceasefire, the long-term goal of finding a two-state solution, acceptable to all, must be vigorously pursued.
This is dangerously fragile: better to make clear that "reunification" is a long-term goal, to be achieved, if at all, through peaceful means.
This would help the company meet its long-term goal of halving today's price of mainstream beer in Africa.
But he said this week's talks were unlikely to agree a long-term goal for overall carbon reductions by 2050.
The Report of the East Asia Vision Group (EAVG) sketched a blueprint of East Asiacooperation, with an East Asia Community as its long-term goal.
Once the medium-term goal is accomplished, choose a new medium-term goal to get you to your long-term goal (1 year).
Once the medium-term goal is accomplished, choose a new medium-term goal to get you to your long-term goal (1 year).