I did break a bone in my foot playing football a long time ago but that's all healed up now.
A long time ago, Francois Millet and I were young artists.
Turtles went back to the sea a very long time ago and, like all vertebrate returnees to the water, they breathe air.
A long time ago, there lived a wise man named Zun Nun in Egypt.
很久以前,在埃及住着一位名叫 Zun Nun的智者。
Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift.
A long time ago, a father was old and sick.
A long time ago, I wanted to give up learning Chinese.
A long time ago, people would bring firewood to their friends' new homes as a gift.
A long time ago it was widely believed that there was life on Mars.
Our city is beautiful. It has been famous for Mount Huaguo since a long time ago.
A guy, a friend of mine in Australia told me last time, long time ago. He told me about a station that played very coony music.
It was a resurrection of our past: I'd given her another teddy bear a long time ago.
At Lucasfilm Ltd., the creators of Star Wars, that sounds like a business model from a long time ago, in a company far, far away.
A long, long time ago a friend said to me about leverage, 'if you're smart you don't need it, and if you're dumb, you got no business using it.'
It was such a long time ago... You know, he's a chilling writer, poe-i translated him just so that I could feel like I was normal.
Our expectation is that we should be there. In fact, we should have gotten there a long time ago.
I learned a long time ago to accept the fact I need a great team to execute for me.
Amazon's designers did what they should have done a long time ago: they shaved away a lot of that empty beige (or now dark gray) plastic margin.
A long time ago and far away there lived a King and a Queen.they were very happy, for their first child, a girl, had been born.
A long time ago, when I was a young fellow, I was told that if I do this, or don't do that, I will go to heaven when I die.
A long time ago, I was asked to switch assignments on very short notice, from a fun project to a much less fun project.
That was a long time ago; she and her brothers and sisters were all grown up; her mother was dead.
I faced facts a long time ago: I'm never going to be a fashion designer.
If it were just nature, then Lucy probably would've figured out solar power a long time ago.
Her memory is still really good. She remembers things from a long time ago and recognises people.
A long time ago, I bumped into a woman who was sitting behind me in a restaurant.
Had it been a drugs issue, she would have been suspended a long time ago, but this is a unique problem for which the IAAF's rules do not make provision.
A long time ago Bat came to visit Bird. As they were talking, Bat said, “I must be a bird, too.
A long time ago Bat came to visit Bird. As they were talking, Bat said, “I must be a bird, too.