They are failing to look ahead at a time when planning for the future is more important than ever.
Now we look ahead to the evening in Denver, which of course is morning in Bangalore.
Can we look ahead twenty five years and dream about the transformations that will take place?
Also, look ahead a few years and see if the requirements for your manager are going to change.
By wheeling out a bit of its past, the company hopes people will look ahead to its future.
This brings me to an important point: when it comes to our career, it is critical to look ahead.
Today, Japan can look back half a century with nostalgia and pride, yet look ahead with concern.
But memory is unreliable and the future unwritten; new African writers might do better to look ahead.
With a full minimax tree, the computer could look ahead for each move to determine the best possible move.
Eager to look ahead, Hillary Clinton is already campaigning in Texas, which holds its primary on March 4.
What we need to do for the Chinese civilization is not to lie on past glories, but to look ahead and round.
A look ahead to the completed project's source files provides a roadmap for the application constructed here.
Though I was preparing to go to Oxford, August was one of 1968s craziest months, and it was hard to look ahead.
So it is a virtual impossibility to look ahead for a potential typo or even to look back at what was just read.
I will also review the main events of the past year, and look ahead to what needs to be achieved in the future.
Among the many clouds looming over the world's economy, it is reassuring to have a ray of sunshine to look ahead to.
You might want to look ahead to Figure 29 to see what the final process looks like to help keep things in perspective.
Sun's upcoming struggles are fairly obvious and IBM looks like a great option for those that choose to look ahead.
Look ahead (not down), keep your shoulders relaxed, arms swinging back and forth (not side to side), and your hands gently clenched.
My mother worked with me constantly, reminding me to look ahead as I walked and to make eye contact, even though I found it painful.
The fundamental underpinning of this truism is that markets anticipate and look ahead more than they react to events when they occur.
Look ahead naturally, not down at your feet, and scan the horizon. This will straighten your neck and back, and bring them into alignment.
This month I'll look at collaboration, some of the tools that are now available, and look ahead to where we might be going with the concept.
Obviously you'll take care of tasks which need to be done before you go - but look ahead a bit for deadlines that occur soon after your return.
Perl 6 Essentials is a look ahead to the new Perl 6, and the authors promise yearly revisions to keep up with the rapid pace of Perl 6 development.
Perl6Essentials是对新的Perl 6的未来预测,并且,为了跟上perl开发的步伐,作者保证每年都会进行修订。
Look ahead and begin to walk forward. Don't rush. Simply walk at a comfortable pace and allow your body to establish a comfortable stride length.
Look ahead and begin to walk forward. Don't rush. Simply walk at a comfortable pace and allow your body to establish a comfortable stride length.