I can look back now and say this was an important learning process for us, but at the time, it was awful.
But now look at Listing 2, which shows what happens when you scale up and run five threads at the same time.
Now look at Listing 8, which has the same logic for handling the robot's states, but this time puts the logic into the state pattern.
Now that physicists have entered the yocto-realm in measurements, some are wondering whether it is time to begin to look at new prefixes for the SI system.
Now, let's look at the same test from Listing 4 but this time on a quad-socket quad-core topology (16 logical processors).
Now that the requirement is updated, it is time to go back to the dashboard and take a look at that test case you created earlier.
Now, it seems, it is time to take a fresh look at the way autism manifests itself in women.
Now that you've considered the various aspects of performance management that must be addressed, it's time to look at the milestones involved in performance management.
Now that you have successfully built GIMP, it's time to take a look at what is new inside the GIMP source code.
现在您已经成功构建了GIMP,现在我们看看 GIMP 源代码中有什么新内容。
"Right now they are not costing us much," says Mary Liveratti, deputy director of Nevada's Department of Health and Human Services. "But look at Arizona [along-time magnet for the retired]."
"I want to find these stars because I want to look back in time," says Frebel, now at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Before you know it (actually you do know it because you look at the clock about every 2 seconds) you have wasted 20 minutes of your valuable time and now you are late, angry and infuriated.
Now query the stores_demo database and look for customer table at RS secondary server after 5 minutes of commit time.
Now look at the commit time of above transaction using onlog utility as shown below.
Now that you have some insight into real-time requirements, let's look at some of the Linux real-time architectures to see what level of real time they support and how.
Now that I have laid the groundwork, it's time to look at implementing the classworking transformation that will add toString() methods to annotated classes as they're being loaded.
既然已经打好了基础,就该研究实现 classworking转换了:当载入带注释的类时向它们添加toString()方法。
Now that you've seen the back-end service that the Web application will use, it is time to look at the front end that USES it.
Now that you have a request out there, it is time to look at some of the different options that you have to find it. There are two basic ways to monitor requests.
The Preview TAB now shows you what your screens will look like (how a group of records might be displayed on a screen at run time).
Now that you understand the characteristics of the jpa2web application, it's time to take a look at it in action. Follow these steps to get the software working with Apache tomcat.
In order to check erroneous ideas at the outset, let us now to inventory the day the body at different stages of the bad feeling, have a look them all the time telling what.
We've already looked at the activities and skills you enjoy, and now it's time to look at what leaves you feeling energised.
Now, it seems to me that - if we look at the current art scene - it is a certain kind of the so-called time based art that does reflect at the best this contemporary condition.
Now it's time for a little discussion. Just look at the topic on the screen.
And now take a look at the death rates from lung cancer in women over time.
Now we're going to take a look at coding and system modification strategies that can make the system more fragile over time.
Now we're going to take a look at coding and system modification strategies that can make the system more fragile over time.