If you look back on history, you’ll realize just how essential craziness is in order to reach your dreams.
When I step back and look at the books on my shelf, it is as if I am looking at the history of the different lives that I have lived.
If you look back in history, ancient civilizations used to carve letters on stone and clay. This seems very antiquated today.
One thing is certain: When I'm an old man, I'll look back fondly on this episode, knowing that I opened a few more eyes to history and had a lot of fun doing it.
"He is a David and Goliath figure," said Salah al-Janabi, a white goods salesman in downtown Baghdad. "When the history books are written, they will look back on this episode with great acclaim."
“他是一个像击败歌利亚的大卫式传奇人物,”巴格达闹市区的家电推销员Salah al - Janabi说,“当人们编写历史书的时候,他们将满怀赞许地回顾这一段。”
In the first chapter, we look back on and discuss the history and study methods on the study of Chinese cognate words.
In the process of localization, Yunnan sociology should look back its history and develop its tradition, base on native and develop advantages, reinforce learning and insist on theory consciousness.
And in our On This Day feature, we look back at the history of Tzu Chi's partnership with a school in San Francisco.
The TRUMPF Group can look back on the biggest sales increase in the history of the company as it closes out the fiscal year that ended in June.
The TRUMPF Group can look back on the biggest sales increase in the history of the company as it closes out the fiscal year that ended in June.