Oedipa Maas in Crying of Lot 49 will sit upon a bluff overlooking San Narciso, and she'll look down at the pattern of light.
You may also have noticed that my apple trees bend over the fence and seem to look down at your children with interest.
Fushi "means to look down at".
An easy way to tell is to look down at your dog while it is standing.
They both look down at the rabbi, who is lying on a gurney in a body cast.
He said nothing, but continued to look down at her with a dreamy gentleness.
When I am not writing, I look up and look down at them running in the grass.
Look down at your fingernails and see which one is the longest or the sharpest.
Lanser look down at him and said, "Sorry," and went on as though he were instructing a class.
"Pearl," said she sadly, "look down at thy feet! There - before thee! - the hither side of the brook!"
In fact, if you look down at the author note at the bottom of my posts you'll see that it says that about me.
On it, a cynical dealer of counterfeit drugs tells his pursuer to look down at the people below and says: “Victims?
You have to walk your own walk in this life. And as you are traveling down your road, don't look down at your feet.
The first day of freshman year, I look down at my schedule and see the name "Gustavo Benedetti" next to my Spanish class.
If a person is lying they may feel you are scrutinizing them and they will look down at the floor or away from your eyes.
And as you are traveling down your road, don't look down at your feet. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be true.
In the last 18 months, this is my sixth or seventh... All of you-judges, prosecutors, plaintiffs-look down at the table when talking to me.
If you do look down at the Periodic Table and get above 109, Uun Uuu Uub you will see these strange notations here, Uun,Uuu,Uub What is all of this?
Take aeroboat, the tourist can look down at from inside sky configuration the islands of each different, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature.
And I lost my balance and I'm propped up against the wall. And I look down at my arm and I realize that I can no longer define the boundaries of my body.
The space is too small for me to be able to see the picture properly, so I climb on to a stool and look down at it from above, to get the perspective right.
Surprisingly, even though we moved here, many many indians look down at white brits, their lifestyle choices, their food, etc and often talk about them in a derogatory manner.
Forefront this time go back and look down at one end, 3-month internship experience taught me many things, whether it is on my career after my life and for example, are useful.
You have to walk your own walk in this life, and as you are traveling down you road, don't look down at your feet. Keep your head up and your eyes focused on what you know to be true.
So close together that we could not look at each other—we could only look down at the crushed plants and our soaked shoes, and the miniature rivers already breaking up the earth around our feet.
A look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents.
A look at the strange variations in tuition reveals that the choice about which college to attend doesn't come down merely to dollars and cents.