He could not look at her at all now, his gaze moving from side to side, then down to the floor, then up again to some distant point behind her.
Look to the back and front and from side to side of your audience, selecting an individual to focus on and then moving on to someone.
Having examined her, it was as though he could no longer look at her directly; instead, he looked from side to side, and then down to the floor, avoiding her gaze.
As the sea became rougher and the boat rolled from side to side, many passenger began to look green about the gills.
Look at that standing rock from side, it is so towering. But do you see side rock graph? Is this familiar to you?
We've got a camera now where we can recognize the player's face. If you look at the screen and tilt your head from side to side, the dog will mimic you.
The counter is the part behind your heel, you should look at your counter and if it collapses or it's very soft, and either the... from side-to-side, you should look at a different shoe.
The counter is the part behind your heel, you should look at your counter and if it collapses or it's very soft, and either the... from side-to-side, you should look at a different shoe.