Since the pages are just templates for form entry and they always look the same, hardly any additional processing and XML data are necessary to display the registration and login pages.
But a woman also looks for signs of other attributes, such as wealth, youth and kindness. Just the look of the man would be unlikely to have the same effect.
He has the same sweetness of look, as though upon each countenance an ineffable smile were just dawning.
Proper round-tripping doesn't require that the input and output documents look the same; it just requires that they be semantically equivalent.
He brings back that same idea and then all the products, just look at all of what's happened since then.
It doesn't matter which one you take - they'll both lead to the same place. They look like dead ends, but they're just false walls.
At the end of the day, you can implement the exact same program using a while loop that you can using a for loop, it's just your code is going to look slightly different.
Just in the sense that if we look at the contribution of the translational energies at room temperature, they're going to be the same.
To understand a person, just look at his starting point and destination is the same, you can know whether he is sincere.
In the same way, you can create a high-contrast look and feel with white text on black background and normal font size just by providing another resource file as shown in Listing 4.
Just because locals eat street food and feel and look healthy, does not mean you will feel and look the same.
All the products look to address the same problem, but according to Replay their product is unique in that it is able to isolate and record just the application.
The rest of the images should look the same, just the ones you add in your Nature category.
Microsoft has kept the same look and feel for not just Windows, but for almost all of its applications.
This is just like the famous Adelson checkerboard optical illusion. In the image below, square a is exactly the same shade as square b, but they look totally different.
The sheer number of brushes that look exactly the same is overwhelming, so it's easy to understand why you might just give up and use the brushes that came with your makeup.
Love is not just gazing at each other, but two people look to the same direction.
They all along his eyes look, just cut watermelon and half full red liquid, is continuously jetted forth STH. As spring the same!
Look at me again for I am the same man you painted just seven years ago as the figure of Christ.
Now alter the opacities of these three layer to something between about 20% and 35%, just until they look right and don't do them all the same opacity, make them different and it will add some depth.
现在改变混浊这三个层之间有大约20 %和35 %,公正,直到他们期待的权利,不这样做他们都同样不透明,使他们不同的,这将增加一些深度。
Furthermore, he has also provided a hi-res screenshot of the same image, for both versions of the game - just look at the differences for yourself.
It was to be just a small change, but would at the same time allow the company to freshen its look and ignite some marketing buzz.
But most girls get tired of the same old look, and they'll do just about anything to get the hot new piece on their arm.
You see, I'm an electrician and just got the biggest shock of my life. Here hold this (wires) and you can get the same look.
Instead of looking down as I walk along a crowded street, I can look up and see how the late afternoon light haloes everyone's head, just the same.
We get the same brilliant mind, the same natural born leader tendency, the same one-in-a-million-type charisma, He just gonna look down his nose at me!
We get the same brilliant mind, the same natural born leader tendency, the same one-in-a-million-type charisma, He just gonna look down his nose at me!