In a statement on its website, the company says it wants Barbies to look more like real people.
Many of these have minuscule limbs; some look more like snakes than lizards and a few have completely lost the toes on their hind limbs.
Different from the original and very simple Troll doll, the updated Trollz wear only the hippest and brightest of outfits, making them look more like people.
In a statement on its website, the company says it wants Barbies to look more like real people, and to give girls everywhere infinitely more ways to spark their imagination and play out their stories.
On Mars, meanwhile, the analemma would look more like a teardrop.
Some of our chaming idiosyncrasies now look more like character flaws.
Links are similar to PUSH buttons, but look more like the text links in a Web browser.
I am 42, but have to admit I look more like 52 in this picture, which is shocking.
The results showed that the couples had grown to look more like each other over time.
This iPad hat makes the wearer look more like she's attached to a mobile solar panel.
The banks’ bond holdings, long seen as ultra-safe, are slowly starting to look more like a risk.
The banks' bond holdings, long seen as ultra-safe, are slowly starting to look more like a risk.
The applications tend to look more like traditional business applications, just natively scaled-out.
THEY look more like desperate refugees than the pampered vanguard of an organised mass colonisation.
I'm also betting those high-capacity models will look more like the iPod touch, and less like my iPod classic.
The maps are speckled, but zoom in on major areas, and they look more like maps of where people want to live.
Mr Brown’s tactics may look more like a headache for Britain, however, if the Conservatives come to power in May.
Has options for customizing the folder panel to look more like the Windows xp version or to not fade the expand buttons?
'We all thought the ancestral animal would look more like a chimp,' said Yale University anthropologist Andrew Hill.
耶鲁大学的人类学家希尔(Andrew Hill)说,我们本来都觉得老祖宗看上去会更像猩猩。
Many families are grappling with similar questions as a family tree today is beginning to look more like a tangled forest.
Nonetheless the macroeconomic trends in America look more like those that existed in Japan than other crisis-hit countries.
These stores sell chairs, lights and other objects made from antlers. They look more like pointy sculptures than furniture.
Still,others insist she's doing what every other little girl loves to do:playing dress-up to look more like her fashion savvy mother。
In a brain before an epileptic seizure, neighboring patches of neurons look more like each other than they would in a regular brain.
And those that remained had begun to look more like aid projects, with investors committing themselves to building schools and clinics.
But the worry is that a prolonged credit crunch could make microfinance clients start to look more like those hapless subprime borrowers.
These things still need to be done, however, and when they're allowed to accumulate they tend to look more like a mountain than a laundry list.
These things still need to be done, however, and when they're allowed to accumulate they tend to look more like a mountain than a laundry list.