Our genes also help determine whether we look on the bright side, helping explain why some people have a spring in their step.
By training yourself to look on the bright side, you will gain more courage to face difficulties.
Look on the bright side! You've got nowhere to go but up.
These are all situations that most people of course only see the dangerous part of it but forget to look at the bright side.
Our genes also help determine whether we look on the bright side, helping explain why some people have a spring in their step, while others like nothing better than a good grumble.
I suppose that we could look on the bright side and recognize that there are things we can do to make us less vulnerable.
It's a royal pain, but look on the bright side-long legal disclaimers give your blog an air of authority.
Could you tell the ambassadors of these countries to look at the bright side of China?
Of pre-2004 EU members only the Irish and the Swedes managed to look on the bright side of life.
And look at the bright side: With the economy still shaky and unemployment stubbornly high, her decision to pursue a specific marketable skill may turn out to be smarter than you think.
The view seems a bit bleak right now, but look at the bright side: you are getting old.
I try to look on the bright side most of the time, so I feel like whatever complaining I do isn't a debilitating problem in need of aggressive correction.
Look on the bright side though: it can \ 't be a nine-to-five one because, as science students will be able to calculate, this leaves no time for attending lectures.
That means, whether you are a pessimist or an optimist, learning to cope with anxiety constructively may be more important – or at last more helpful – than simply trying to look on the bright side.
Always look on the bright side. Always point out the positive or good aspects of everything and everyone. Every person has good traits, find them!
Molly: Always look on the bright side. You are learning useful words and ideas that will come in handy one day.
By doing so, we will look on the bright side of life and eventually frustrations will disappear.
However, you look at the world on the bright side, and this makes you quite popular.
If we fill our mind with pleasant thoughts and try to look on the bright side, we invite happiness.
Look on the bright side and you will be doing all that can be asked of you.
Other people are optimists: they always look on the bright side. They think things will be all right.
The happy person sees the fun, and funny side of life and aims to always look on the bright side.
Gordon: Look on the bright side, rude people tell the truth, when polite people will lie to protect you.
Look on the bright side, these elephantsaren't being culled by environmentalist who tell us that current Africanelephant populations are a danger to the ecosystem.
Be good to yourself by seeing and connecting with the goodness in life. Look on the bright side, and make it brighter.
Be good to yourself by seeing and connecting with the goodness in life. Look on the bright side, and make it brighter.