She stored every flotsam relic of her life without ever looking at it again.
It has to be recaptured by watering the plants and, perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it were a person.
The child, who had dropped her head, raised it again, and sat looking at her intently.
It was obvious to her as soon as they had met, some weeks before—Weston’s eyes meeting hers across the crowd at a concert, looking away, looking back again—that he missed nothing.
It was maybe midnight when the kid showed at the table again, looking kind of dazed.
The birds must have comforted me just now. Looking back at the palace again, I should realize that it is somewhat dissipated and awkward.
But her father had gone back into his study again, and the door slammed. George glared at it, looking exactly like her hot-tempered father.
And then looking at the child again, this burst forth from him suddenly as though he had just thought of it, "We shall have to buy a good basketful of eggs and dye them all red for the village."
"Looking back on it now, I wouldn't want to go through the pain again but it was well worth it," said Eric, who now studies journalism at the University of South Carolina.
Every day he went out fishing. Once, as he was sitting with his rod, looking at the clear water, his line suddenly went down, and when he drew it up again he brought out a large Golden fish.
"Then come again and look at the hole," said the neighbor, "it will be the same as looking at the gold."
When you get tired of looking at the same screen - change it all over again.
It was grand to see you looking so well and to observe "That Old Black Magic"(White?) at work again on Sfcauss. (?)
It was grand to see you looking so well and to observe "That Old Black Magic"(White?) at work again on Sfcauss. (?)