NASA engineers are looking at photos and video of a torn solar panel from the International Space Station.
Now ID thieves could potentially find out everything they need to know just by surfing the web and looking at photos.
Tests revealed that if the young women were given a mild burn, they felt less discomfort by looking at photos of their boyfriends.
Though, come to think about it, I did spend quite a bit of time looking at photos that my friend Amy had posted from her holiday to Spain.
A user waves a palm in front of the TV to call up a simple menu that would let him choose between watching shows, playing games, or looking at photos.
The screen is beautiful, and it really shows when looking at photos, which are so bright and colorful, I'd almost say it looks sharper than any other phone.
For instance, looking at photos of exes lit up regions that are activated in cocaine addicts' brains - which may help explain quite a lot of the plot of those Twilight books.
PicLens: Whether you’re looking at photos of last weekend’s drunken debauchery or for your next art history assignment, the PicLens extension can make it a much more enjoyable experience.
Looking at the family photos of strangers was never so transfixing.
Whenever you see those really horrid photos of me, looking drunk at a piano bar, I'm actually rehearsing.
Researchers also discovered that the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, an area responsible for stress response, was less active when the women were looking at the photos of their other halves.
Looking upon your photos as if you were looking at them through someone else's eyes is a good way to give yourself constructive criticism.
Finally, studies have been done of college yearbook photos looking at people thirty years later.
One day I spotted a freshman looking curiously at the photos.
But for some reason, looking at these photos of women breastfeeding various animals makes me very nauseous, it's just not natural, no matter what continent your from.
Looking at some of the photos, you feel like you're flying over the Grand Canyon or the Sahara.
I love looking back at the handful of photos of me and my brother playing together, glimpses of old homes, places we used to play.
All the time we spend looking at repetitive posts and photos from people we already know, could be spent instead on the Web meeting new people who are interested in the same things we are.
I would suggest opening a couple of these photos up and looking at the large sized view as they are stunning.
As I lay on the living room couch, eavesdropping on their conversation, starting to worry about the future my father was describing, I found myself looking at some old family photos.
“I was just looking at the photos of my own wedding dress, ” says Ms. Gorr with a laugh, “and I realized that it had a lot of those same design elements.
Her fans analyzed the photos, looking for the presence of Brad Pitt, at her new blond highlights and for clues to what she was wearing.
Angelina jolie迷们分析照片,寻找BradPitt的身影、欣赏jolie新染的金发、探究她当时穿的是些什么服装的线索。
After looking at the photos, they were asked to count backward from 8, 211 by 7s, then look at another picture of a person they knew but were not in love with, then count backward again.
My grandparents were looking at the old photos, although day by day the photos turned grey.
So after that I started taking lots of photos of flowers, looking at them very carefully.
Still occasionally a daze looking at your photos, lists, one with a giggle.
Still occasionally a daze looking at your photos, lists, one with a giggle.