Looking into the future, we believe BFA will bring more splendors to us.
When you have the full make-up on is looking in the mirror like looking into the future?
Looking into the future, what kinds of new transportation methods will scientists develop?
You're looking into the future and seeing a great time ahead during the first week of June.
Futuristic in terms of looking into the future and giving it a new twist and a new sensibility.
Finally, the thesis poses looking into the future to further study on the basis of the conclusion.
Second, to truly stick to the principles of "regarding history as a mirror and looking into the future".
Looking into the future, we "re confident about the broad prospects of Sino-US trade and economic cooperation."
As I researched the book I found I was looking at men 10 years older than me and it was like looking into the future.
Looking into the future, Longgang Branch is yearning to grow with its clients and fulfilling the great dream at this great time.
Both sides should adhere to the spirit of taking history as a mirror and looking into the future and correctly handle historical issues.
The Japanese side should prudently and properly handle relevant issue in the spirit of "taking history as a mirror and looking into the future".
Looking into the future, we are facing both favorable opportunities and many challenges. But in general, we have more opportunities than challenges.
"Taking history as a mirror looking into the future" means to treat history correctly. This is the cornerstone of generation-to-generation friendship between China and Japan.
At this rate, we're all heading with Apple into the future of computing, and it's looking quite bright.
After a lunch the group conducted a “Futurespective” – a retrospective looking a year into the future. The goal was to identify things that we wanted to happen in the next year.
午饭后,大家还做了个“回顾未来” ——一个特别的回顾会议,内容是畅想未来,目标是确定在未来的一年内我们希望看到哪些事情。
So even if we may not be looking into the mouth of a food crisis at this moment, if we don't do more to support food production, we will run the risk of facing one in the future.
At the cusp of a new day week month or year most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future.
Looking further still into the future he foretells that our bodies will waste away as machines do everything for us.
It will be a grand space with vast window looking into the landscape and the future.
Cleverley's focus remains on helping Wigan avoid relegation in his final game for the Latics against Stoke, but he is also looking further into the future.
他在09年为莱切斯特城征战英甲,之后代表沃特福德出赛英冠,而这个赛季他在维冈竞技发挥的很出色。 克莱弗利仍旧专注于维冈竞技最后一场对斯托克城的保级生死战,但是也不忘记关注一下自己在未来的道路。
In this model rational and forward looking agents take into account that the increased budget deficit today will lead to more taxation in the future.
By looking back the ancient Greek, Schiler brings us into a perfect aesthetic utopia. And modern people's rational spirits can guide us to think over future life.
The Royal Household is constantly looking at new ways of saving and supplying and supplying power so as to remain as environmentally friendly as possible well into the future.
Actually economists home and abroad have been looking ahead into the "future economics", a subject matter both significant and requiring in-depth exploration from a philosophical high.
Actually economists home and abroad have been looking ahead into the "future economics", a subject matter both significant and requiring in-depth exploration from a philosophical high.