So, if you're looking for another reason to quit, if you're looking for a reason not to start smoking, here's another good one.
I'm not saying that if you're overweight you are going to get laid off, but you know employers are looking for every little excuse to get rid of people, so looking good is a great defense.
Perhaps so, perhaps not, as there is a subtle line between wanting to look politely presentable for others, and being attached to looking good to draw attention to oneself.
But if you really think about it, even German and American debt is not looking so good either.
Things were not looking so good for alien life in 1976, after the Viking I spacecraft landed on Mars, stretched out its robotic arm, and gathered up a fist-size pile of red dirt for chemical testing.
1976人们对于异星生命的存在感到很悲观。 当年海盗一号飞行器登录火星,用它伸出的机械臂抓起了一掊红色的火星尘土并进行了化学测试。
Must pay attention to some of these surfaces clean, otherwise it will mark a number on it, so do not be so good-looking signage.
Sometimes it's so good, you know where a team-mate is going to be without looking… although not all of my backheels came off!
I know I'm not good-looking, I am shy with strangers, and I even have no girlfriend. So I'm really hopeless to get the interview.
Many may attribute Wong's popularity with the American audience to his not-so-good-looking appearance, his odd accent and the self mocking contents of his shows.
The training was all just so that when I came back here I would be able to fit in, and I am enjoying it right now because I'm looking in good condition, not getting too tired.
Wang Qian is not quite good-looking among so many stars and isn't young any more. In fact, all aspects I mentioned above can never attract people forever.
Wang Qian is not quite good-looking among so many stars and isn't young any more. In fact, all aspects I mentioned above can never attract people forever.