He looks black to me and apparently he feels it.
If the wax looks black, or if the ear is red and irritated, check with your vet.
Patient: Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb.
Patient: : Yes. Since the accident it has been stiff and looks black and blue. At times it feels numb.
Whenever the future looks black, remind yourself of other difficulties that you have conquered in the past.
If you are here it's because you love architecture. So continue, even if the horizon looks black. Don't worry, the light will come one day.
Blood vessels under the nail break open, which spill blood (which looks black under the opaque nail) into the area between the toe bed and the toenail.
Even without a high-school diploma, a black man can probably find a job if he looks. And some manual jobs, such as plumber or cable technician, pay quite well.
It looks like a bear but it is not a bear with a white and black coat.
This looks like a black goldfish.
The great black forest looks stern as it showed itself to those who brought the guilt and troubles of the world into its bosom.
Its shiny black skin looks like polished leather, and is banded with thin stripes of yellow and scarlet.
Jennifer says the child looks like the black actor in the movie.
I had the option of cutting my hair, but a person who is black, Hispanic, or of Asian descent cannot hide the way he looks (nor should he have to).
He's as young, 'said I;' but he has black hair and eyes, and looks sterner; and he is taller and bigger altogether.
He's tall, seemingly born into a black trench coat, but thinner than he looks on television.
With its very large black spot, this speckled coral reef dweller looks like it has a bullseye tattoo.
The car looks and drives just like a standard London black cab - but underneath the bonnet is some cutting-edge technology by sports carmaker Lotus.
It looks like an old CRT television turning off, which is significantly more fun than the screen simply cutting to black.
In the next few weeks, Parliament looks set to pass the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Bill that might ultimately transfer at least 51% of all businesses into local black hands.
Internal details of the software component design and implementation are not a concern to the rest of the system, which looks at a specific software component as only a black box.
Marilyn had taken on a business partner named Milton Greene, a 34-year-old photographer who wears black silk shirts and looks something like an adolescent George Raft.
Even without a high-school diploma, a black man can probably find a job if he looks.
The white one looks like something that belongs in the toy aisle and the black one gets so disgustingly dirty that it’s embarrassing to use in public.
White people always say that about black people's hair. The worse it looks, the more they say they like it.
White people always say that about black people's hair. The worse it looks, the more they say they like it.