It introduces that how to watch and measure the hysteresis loop-line, residual magnet and coercive force of ferromagnet through an oscillograph.
The Land lies in the central area of Nankai District, on the north side of Changjiang Dao. Close to the inner loop-line, and no. 1 Subway, it is easily accessible.
This paper introduces some magnetic parameters of magnetic material, such as magnetic hysteresis loop-line, electrical resistivity and magnetoresistivity, and the methods to measure them.
This loop iterates over the array, ARGV, which is the remaining set of arguments passed to the script on the command line.
该循环在数组ARGV 上迭代,它是在命令行传递给脚本的余下的参数集合。
Improving the performance of this loop is very simple and doesn't even require an additional line of code (see Listing 9).
In the example below, imagine that you have a breakpoint at line 22 of the application, within a loop.
The loop including line 3 of the listing is working through the keys received, getting a corresponding value, and printing it as an array or a string.
Next, you have a PHP foreach loop, which loops through each outputted line and renders it nicely into XHTML, ready for the browser to display.
On line 2, we're gonna induce what's called a loop, so do you wanna go ahead and Philip henceforth you get to stare, stare at the awkwardness.
Obviously, since this is a snapshot in time, the line could be any line inside the while loop, such as line 16, 17, or 18.
显而易见,因为这是一个即时快照,所以该行可能是while 循环中的任意行,比如行16、17或 18。
In addition to the header line, you have a foreach loop in the EventTable method that iterates through each of the games.
The foreach loop is the most important line in the script: foreach (qp($url, 'entry') as $result).
foreach循环是脚本中最重要的一行: foreach (qp($url,'entry')as $result)。
Call, I added only the line psyco.bind (main), since the main function does loop a number of times (but only makes minimal use of integer arithmetic).
我只添加了psyco .bind (main)这一行,而不是添加一个总的psyco . jit调用,因为main函数确实要循环多次(但是仅利用了最少的整数运算)。
The loop simply iterates through the array and prints each line as it would do on the command line, but enforcing an XHTML break-line element after each print.
With his left hand, he adjusted the loop of steel that cuffed his right hand to the line of doomed men.
While it could have been written as a loop, the one-line solution is much cleaner that way, and does not slow the program down significantly.
Definition: A common knot used in many circumstances on sailboats, such as to tie a loop of line around a piling, stanchion, or any other fixed structure.
Note that the extension is easy to understand and modify, and that it can do the job just as well as the previous, non-parsing example (see the Event loop with command-line switches).
Line 32 USES the "XSL: for-each" element to define the loop that creates the main part of the table, generating one line for each "emp" element occurrence.
第32行使用“xsl:for - each”元素来定义创建表的主要部分的循环,用以为每个出现的“emp”元素生成一行。
For each line of data returned by the data source, the while loop will take in the line as an object, and spit out a Zip tag with all the data in the database (see Listing 1).
In this example, the special replacement form will be the same printf for every line, so it is pre-stored in the FORMATTER variable before the second for loop begins.
The for loop then iterates through each line, matching it against the regular expression in ASSIGN_LINE using the built-in matchlist() function
然后,for 循环遍历每个行,使用内置的 matchlist() 函数根据 ASSIGN_LINE 中的正则表达式匹配它
Finally, the whole line is concatenated to the existing HTML so you have a complete list when the for loop is completed.
In case you're not up on your STL, recall that for iterators the dereference operator returns the current object, so the line inside the for loop in the preceding snippet is equivalent to.
Recall that the format of the /etc/shadow.dynamics file is "username salt password," which the while loop reads each line of the file into the g_user_dynamics data structure.
回想一下 /etc/shadow.dynamics文件的格式为 “usernamesaltpassword”,while 循环将把该文件的所有行读取到 g_user_dynamics数据结构中。
Recall that the format of the /etc/shadow.dynamics file is "username salt password," which the while loop reads each line of the file into the g_user_dynamics data structure.
回想一下 /etc/shadow.dynamics文件的格式为 “usernamesaltpassword”,while 循环将把该文件的所有行读取到 g_user_dynamics数据结构中。