The lorry driver loaded up at the depot.
I managed to cadge a ride with a lorry driver.
IMAGINE YOU ARE a 45-year-old long-distance lorry driver.
After the accident, the lorry driver for cuts and bruises.
The lorry driver escaped unhurt, but a pedestrian was injured.
A lorry driver who was drawing up alongside the car pulled up all of a sudden.
The lorry driver pulled into the side of the road and got out for a cup of tea.
A Norwegian lorry driver was transporting a load of penguins to the aquarium in Bergen.
Hesitantly, I moved towards him, but the lorry driver stopped me. "Ah-ah", he said.
Story 23 Go to the Cinema a lorry driver, David is driving 200 penguins to London Zoo.
Then, a stied lorry driver came beside him, robed the cup from his hand, and bottom up.
The lorry driver lost control and banged the road divider and then banged another ferry.
The lorry driver noticed we were chasing him and he drove even quickly, that is of the speed of light.
When she head back to the scene, she used her handbag to hit the lorry driver and scolded him in English.
Richard Evans, a retired lorry driver, and his family were travelling in Spain last summer when their camper van broke down.
Once I got into the cab with a young lorry driver who careered along at 90mph to frighten other drivers, but I wasn't scared.
In the middle of a mountain pass, his lorry broke down, and while he was standing by the side of the road, a Swedish lorry driver pulled over.
Taking a deep drag on his cigarette while resting on the steering wheel of his truck, he looks like a parody of a middle-aged lorry driver.
The next day, Youhui leaves the lorry to buy breakfast for Dafeng. The lorry driver drives the vehicle away without realising that Dafeng is in it.
The lorry driver who stopped so instantly, and as if out of nowhere, seems like my guardian angel - if he hadn't been there I would have had to get back in West's van.
Alan Hinchcliffe, a retired lorry driver now hunched in a scooter, fag in hand, rasps: "they didn't complain about the people dying young in the mines and steel works, did they?"
To his surprise I joined in and so while the lorry rolled onwards, the boys in the back maintained the chorus while the driver and I harmonized and sang complicated bits.
At the age of seven, he came home to find his father, a lorry-driver, in a plaster cast, having slipped and broken an ankle.
Our driver had no chance of avoiding the motorbike that veered around a lorry and smashed straight into the front of us.
Seeing a cake flying through the air, a lorry-driver who was drawing up alongside the car, pulled up all of a sudden.
The work of a space driver is not hard but a tedious one. Robert Stark docked his space lorry to a god forsaken space station and went to the bar. He could not foresee the result of his visit…
The work of a space driver is not hard but a tedious one. Robert Stark docked his space lorry to a god forsaken space station and went to the bar. He could not foresee the result of his visit…