There are very few days left for NMT, so we can lose no time in revising our lessons.
But we should lose no time in tackling those difficulties which can and must be overcome.
The boss 'art of running his business is to lose no time in giving his employees credit for their wonderful work.
We must lose no time in solving the problem of water shortages in some areas and build the south-to-north water diversion project.
We should assess the situation and lose no time in broadening and deepening our converging interests and actively advance strategic cooperation and practical cooperation.
Now that the West European countries are beset with economic difficulties, we should lose no time in seeking their cooperation, so as to speed up our technological transformation.
He could not then hasten to England himself, to extricate you from the snare into which you had fallen, but he implored Mr. Mason to lose no time in taking steps to prevent the false marriage.
In a year's time, assuming no increase in food intake, you could lose ten pounds.
He said the situation on the ground is dangerous and that there is no time to lose in reaching an agreement.
In eighteen ninety-eight, Jack Gardner died unexpectedly of a stroke. Isabella knew she had no time to lose in building her museum.
He decided he would lose no time living in hotels but would rent a flat. Accordingly he told Carrie, and she agreed.
The team is convinced that Wuhan had no time to lose to preserve Donghu's water body and green areas in the context of rapid urbanization and infrastructure development.
Most important, you have so little to lose: no dependants, minimal outgoings, and all the time in the world.
最重要的是,你几乎没什么可失去的:没有家庭负担,开支最少, 还可以投入全部的时间。
China has no time to lose to catch up with the developed countries in the world.
Lose no time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
If he has no good route map, as it were, he may get general direction but is likely to lose time, get discouraged, or even give up in despair.
If China Mobile doesn't make its hangdog AD in abeyance, it will be sure to lose more and more customers. I myself will at no time buy its products.
Water pearls in a string of water flow, I lose no time to salvage the river golden age.
If no action is taken in the Nick of time, we may lose the last chance to save our own lives.
If it doesn't work and we can't sell any of our own - brand products because there's no market recognition, and at the same time we lose all our ODM customers, we'll be out of business in two months.
If it doesn't work and we can't sell any of our own - brand products because there's no market recognition, and at the same time we lose all our ODM customers, we'll be out of business in two months.