At the same time, if you don't leave you're pretty sure you're going to lose your mind.
Lose your pride, lose your patience, and lose your mind. But, whatever you do, don't lose hope.
The two men were honest about this way of life, singing it will "surely make you lose your mind."
Lose your pride, lose your patience, and lose your mind, but whatever you do, don't lose your personality.
If a computer program has a mind of itsown, is not responsive to your commands, or is so slow as to appear to be amoron, then you are again brought back to “reality” and lose flow.
Similarly, when you lose your consciousness, when you go to sleep at night or when you're anesthetized, you don't really think that you're really going to be losing your mind.
Watch the thoughts that enter your mind, as if watching a boring movie and they will lose their power.
When you are reading at your normal rates, the mind will become bored and begin to lose interest in what you are trying to learn.
But keep in mind that for every second you go out toofast in the first half of your race, you'll lose double that amount oftime in the second half of your race.
You will likely lose some weight, but you probably won't lose the full 35 unless you hold it in your mind as the destination of your journey.
With your goal in mind, whether to lose weight, bulk up muscles, or both, your personal budget, activity level, and even what you like to do should be rolled together so you can make the best choice.
Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise to keep it strong and healthy, so the phrase "use it or lose it" is particularly apt when it comes to your mind.
If you change your mind you may lose the deposit depending on the company's policies.
Then there's the rule of curiosity. Your body would die if you stopped feeling hunger and thirst, and your mind will die if you lose your curiosity.
Do not lose your peace of mind over stock market unless the markets go into a tailspin.
Always have your destination in mind; keep dreaming your big dreams. Once you cease dreaming, soon you will also lose your energy and be back to mediocrity.
Happiness is your biggest enemy. It weakens you. Puts doubts in your mind. Suddenly you have something to lose. - Niki Lauda, Rush (2013).
When the metronome is used for more than about 10 minutes continually, your mind will start to play mental tricks on you so that you may lose the timing accuracy.
"Happiness is yourbiggest enemy. It weakens you. Puts doubts in your mind. Suddenly you havesomething to lose. "- Niki Lauda, Rush(2013)
Making certain decisions, like whether or not to lose weight or file for divorce, can be difficult. Make the right choice and make up your mind.
At the beginning you may find it difficult to count continuously up to ten. Very often your mind will run away, and you will lose your concentration on counting.
At the beginning you may find it difficult to count continuously up to ten. Very often your mind will run away, and you will lose your concentration on counting.