In 2009 we are farther in time from the end of the Second World War than they were from the Civil War; families still felt the loss of loved ones from that awful national trauma.
As humans we feel the loss of loved ones and grieve.
This does not mean mourning over the loss of loved ones.
We do not have to face the loss of loved ones and friends.
Everyone, at some point, will suffer a loss-the loss of loved ones.
Everyone, at some point, will suffer a loss - the loss of loved ones, good health, a job.
Sometimes life can be scary for us too: Loss of loved ones. Financial woes. Health problems.
"They not only have to cope with their own injuries, but have to cope with the loss of loved ones," he said.
We too suffer the loss of loved ones, however our remembrance of the nonphysical assists us in seeing the larger picture.
In addition, many of you are faced with illness, car accidents, the loss of loved ones, divorces, and other upheavals, and the obstacles to happiness can seem insurmountable.
Memories are never to be buried along with the loss of our very loved ones. To be forever remembered as someone whom we always love, they always should be.
With the help of a new friend and ally, the Ryn named Droma, Solo eventually discovered that he could not run away from his loss, or from his loved ones.
Me: it is my intent to ask for truth in assisting others with loss of their loved ones and the shock of changes.
In certain circumstances, if a person is not required by others, the survival of the loss of meaning, so you may wish to tell your loved ones and friends: we need you.
Scowling, he asked if I, my colleagues, or any of our loved ones had ever personally suffered the pain, agony and loss associated with a fire.
Our nation's loss is first a profound personal loss to the family and the friends and the loved ones of our shuttle astronauts.
Other than the physical threat, Libyan children suffer from displacement, psychological trauma, being deprived of basic health and education services, and the loss of their loved ones.
Then there is grief over the loss of our loved ones or a relationship we once treasured. How discouraged and angry we can become.
又加上因失去所爱的人所带来的忧伤 。我们是多么失望和生气啊 !
It was during that time-as we struggled to come to terms with the loss of so many loved ones-that we first started hearing the name Eichmann.
We were all greatly saddened by the tremendous loss of life and property in the quake-affected area. Our thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones.
We were all greatly saddened by the tremendous loss of life and property in the quake-affected area. Our thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones.