In an earlier generation, we lost our connection to the land, and now we are losing our connection to the machinery we depend on.
The children of immigrants tend to be bilingual and proficient in English, "by the third generation, the original language is lost in the majority of immigrant families".
I know that there has been a younger generation that has been labeled the lost generation, but could there be another generation that has been lost in our culture.
Or they drop out, as did many in Japan’s first “lost generation” a decade ago.
Or they drop out, as did many in Japan's first “lost generation” a decade ago.
Policymakers in Brussels have warned of a "lost generation" of young workers, and worry that employment gaps in the early stages of a career can affect wages for several years, if not decades.
A lost generation of planets may now be no more than a whiff of pollution in the atmospheres of their dead parent stars.
Yes, there is a lost generation and though it may be a young generation in a lot of ways there is another generation that remains just as lost, it is the elderly.
She writes about British spinsters, in particular about the ones that would have married the “lost generation” of the first world war.
This is poverty passed from one generation to the next in a painful chain of illness, misery, blunted capacity, and lost productivity.
In a power plant, some of the heat produced could also be used to drive power generation in the usual way, claiming back lost energy and increase overall efficiency.
They are the lost generation of an underground economy: Brought here illegally by parents, they grew up in American neighborhoods, attended American schools and made American friends.
This was the underlying theme of my previous film, "Foreign Land", about a generation in crisis, lost in a country which was, itself, unsure of its identity.
Europe has spent hundreds of billions of euros rescuing its Banks but may have lost an entire generation of young people in the process, the President of the European Parliament said.
Although the planet, lost in the glare of the star, cannot be viewed by current telescopes, astronomers hope to see it when the next generation is built a decade from now.
The Snows of Kilimanjaro "is a film shot by 20th Fox Company in 1952, which is re-composed from a short story by the representative writer of" the lost generation "Ernest Hemingway."
Hemingway, with his legend life, the "tough guy" images created in his novels, the theme of "the Lost Generation" and the Iceberg Writing Principles, establishes his position in the world literature.
Hemingway was irrevocably committed to the Lost Generation. The ideas guiding his literary creation were all founded in the age of Lost Gen...
In 13 individual plants of generation M1 of fancy point's variation, 10 individual plants of generation M2 maintained their variation traits, 3 individual plants lost their variation characteristics.
M 1代中的13个具有观赏性状变异的单株,在M 2代中有10株保持了变异性状,3株变异性状消失。
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was the representative writer of "the Lost generation" in America, and was the spokesman for American younger generation in "the Jazz Age".
F. Scott Fitzgerald (1896-1940) is a famous American writer in the first half of the twentieth century. He is regarded as one of the spokesmen for "the Lost Generation" in American literature.
The next generation mobile communication systems aim at providing higher quality and data rate transmission at the minimum lost (power, bandwidth or complexity ) in finite wireless resource.
It was not so silent, far from beat, but still, in its own grasping way, a generation lost.
Things commonly believed in are false; the "artist" is isolated from the rest of society: these were, in general, adopted as axioms by the writers of the lost generation.
Over 80 percent of Afghanistan's people live in rural areas, where they have seen many of their basic resources — water for irrigation, trees for food and fuel — lost in just a generation.
Ernest Hemingway is the acknowledged representative writer of the Lost Generation, a Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1954.
Ernest Hemingway is the acknowledged representative writer of the Lost Generation, a Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1954.