I love getting lost within the aisles and aisles of books in the two-storey bookstore.
Domains that are simply decent can easily get lost within the millions of listed domains out there.
No clear pulse will be evident, and the transmission would be easily lost within the background noise.
Though the results are still preliminary, Shprits predicts that a majority of the LEO satellite fleet could be lost within a few years of such an event.
They're a godsend for those of us who get lost within a 3-mile radius of our homes, and they're just plain fun for people who enjoy figuring out where stuff is.
Spiders are skittish about these dynamic sites because the combinations of parameters can be almost limitless -- the spider doesn't want to get lost within your site.
爬行器很反感这些动态站点,因为参数的组合几乎是无穷的 ——爬行器不希望在站点中迷路。
And so to be able to get lost within something, and actually have people sit through a film and not recognize you, is just something that I find incredibly gratifying to hear.
But if silent genes degrade within 6 to 10 million years, how can long-lost traits be reactivated over longer timescales?
In C++, whenever an exception is caught within a handler, the information about the source of the exception is lost.
在 C++中,无论何时在处理程序内捕获一个异常,关于该异常来源的信息都是不为人知的。
He suddenly complained of a very severe occipital headache in the back of the head. Within a very few minutes he lost consciousness.
Network partition failure: a network fragments into two or more disjoint sub-networks within which messages can be sent, but between which messages are lost.
The economy not only regains its lost ground, but, within a year, it typically catches up to its rising long-run trend.
Otherwise, due to the fear of endless compensation, they may choose to discard the injured within the most effective curing time or even kill them, causing more innocent lives to be lost.
Those exceeding the limits are given dietary guidance if they haven't lost weight within three months.
A worry is also that the decades of expertise and experience within NASA in operating spacecraft will be lost, and that the commercial companies might stumble as they learn.
Finally, we faced the predicament that, after chunking the information down into individual types, the role of the content within the overall learning context can get lost.
Some aspects of the deployment plan are not yet represented within the editor; that data is not displayed within the editor, but it will not be lost when the file is saved.
So when we talk about formal charge, basically formal charge is the measure of the extent to which an individual atom within your molecule has either gained or lost an electron.
There may be some "lost" concepts within a text, due to the way the source document is written.
Other Asian economies have lost some exports to China, but it imports large amounts of capital equipment and components from within the region.
I'm sure that every reader can think of rewards that have lost their effectiveness due to their having become a commonplace occurrence within an organization.
David learned that nearlyhalf of college students had lost a loved one within the previous twoyears. And every one of them has a story to tell.
Have you lost or gained weight recently within 5% in either direction, and have you noticed a significant increase or decrease in appetite?
Management teams are concerned that intellectual capital assets will be lost when people leave the organization or transition to new jobs within the organization.
Management teams are concerned that intellectual capital assets will be lost when people leave the organization or transition to new jobs within the organization.