I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me.
Pets are lovable, frequently delightful.
But are these not the lovable characteristics that made you fall for us in the first place?
Kate's favorite is the one where he plays the tall, sad policeman; he was so lovable in that.
The not-always-lovable Mr Jobs is still stuck in a greedy-looking share-option "backdating" scandal.
But if the father is cold, critical or absent, the daughter will tend to feel she's not very lovable or attractive.
If you use a smart phone like I do, you never see the pitiable stranger, the tragic stranger, or the lovable stranger.
Consider those ubiquitous articles with titles like "The 10 Friendliest Colleges" or "The 20 Most Lovable Neighborhoods."
Dr Kevorkian was hardly lovable. Bombastic and arrogant, he would liken himself to Galileo, Gandhi and Martin Luther King.
The panda was all but special-ordered to be lovable, but on reflection, I think he was so fat, it wasn’t funny anymore.
Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you’ll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.
Or adopt an endangered species through the World Wildlife Fund, and you'll get a lovable stuffed pet and adoption certificate.
If you had seen that little old woman, so lovable, so easy to take, you could never have imagined anyone hating her in that way!
They can be funny from a block away, pitiable from half-a-block away, tragic up-close, and then lovable once they’re behind you.
They can be funny from a block away, pitiable from half-a-block away, tragic up-close, and then lovable once they're behind you.
Sagittarius man, being extremely lovable, kind and caring will fulfill all the needs of his partner even by going out of his way.
The lovable crime-fighting robot was an inspiration to a generation of kids -some of whom went on to become robotics researchers.
Ice Age features a cast of lovable prehistoric creatures including a sloth, a sabre-tooth tiger and a mammoth – the grumpy Manny.
A Sagittarius man, being extremely lovable, kind and caring will fulfill all the needs of his partner even by going out of his way.
Never lose sight of the fact that no matter who you are or what you have or haven't done; you are lovable and full of potential.
In the midst of this, half were randomly assigned to say to themselves “I am a lovable person” every time they heard a bell ring.
Not only is the show hilarious, the characters lovable and the theme song ridiculously catchy, but Jess rocks some amazing fashion to boot.
If changes in the criteria were made, would the rankings of the friendliest colleges or most lovable neighborhoods be vastly different?
I thought of Betsy and Tabitha, the two lovable cats that belonged to my husband and me; of Ben, the playful mutt who loved to catch Frisbees.
"She's such a lovable dog, " Miller said, describing how the 61-pound Gina will lie in her lap. "I could literally hold this dog like a baby."
"She's such a lovable dog, " Miller said, describing how the 61-pound Gina will lie in her lap. "I could literally hold this dog like a baby."