A lot has changed since I barely could run the five minutes to the park around the corner. I love exercise, especially running, and it is a very important part of my life.
"Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would shun food, love or exercise," said Dr. Hans Selye, the first physician to document the effects of stress on the body.
If you love to swim or dance, you may find it easier to stick with an exercise program that is built around these activities.
I love how exercise makes me feel, but tomorrow I might skip the VersaClimber and skip the blueberry bar that is my usual post-exercise reward.
我喜欢运动带给我的感觉,不过明天我可能会跳过VersaClimber ,也跳过蓝莓酒吧,那是通常我运动后给自己的奖赏。
If you grew up with harsh criticism and ridicule and impatience, then be sure to compliment, love, and exercise patience with your children.
To love your body translates into proper diet and exercise.
This means that Americans love their pets, and they provide them with a proper home, food, exercise, and medical care.
The idea is for kids to get some exercise, have fun, and learn to love running.
No one can force us to get off the couch and exercise, eat the right foods, read stimulating books, attain higher education, build healthy relationships, or love God.
Originally, the love that she is your right, but love your is her right, but you want to exercise their rights in their own time to deprive others of the freedom to exercise their rights.
And with a super healthy meal plan like this - one that you love - you can pair it with some exercise and get healthier than ever.
As we gather to worship God and exercise love and good deeds toward one another, we demonstrate in real life, you might say, the fact that God has reconciled us to himself and to one another.
And if you'd like to share what came up while doing this exercise, I always love reading your comments!
A wonderful exercise in photography and a priceless memento for those who love their pets.
Those we love have a unique power to influence how we feel about life and about ourselves, and genuinely nice, good-hearted people are much more apt to exercise that power for the better.
In fact you started can choose a few low intensity exercise, slowly you will adapt to sports, love sports.
The speaker agreed that good health and exercise were important, But his wording, filled with love, touched the woman.
If you have little kids then you can exercise holding them in your hands, put them on your tummy while doing sit-ups or lift them in the air to exercise your arms (your kid will love it!)
Time for contemplation. I love, love the quiet time of exercise for thinking about things. Most of this post was written in my head as I exercised.
All in all, we should develop normally love a good habit of physical activity: in the morning exercise is to exercise, physical exercise at noon in order to digest the evening exercise is to relax.
In an age of 'fitspiration', it might come as a surprise that new research claims that exercise is in fact what is stopping us shedding those dreaded love handles.
如今在这样一个人人追求健美的时代,一项新研究调查结果可能会令人们感到吃惊。该研究称运动实际上正是阻止我们甩掉可怕腰间赘肉的原因。 邿。
The reason to develop a capacity for empathy, and then exercise it regularly, is that only a heart strengthened by this kind of understanding can effectively deliver the oxygen of the spirit: love.
Most American treat their pets like a member of the family. This means that Americans love their pets, and they them with a home, food, exercise, and medical care.
In universities do not miss love, not to miss every possible opportunity for self-expression and exercise.
In universities do not miss love, not to miss every possible opportunity for self-expression and exercise.