Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing -money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills -that you've wanted for so long?
You can claim you love the people all day long, but if you do not show it by being there for them, physically, emotionally, monetarily, or otherwise, then guess what?
Can you guess what happens when you acquire the thing - money, fame, "love", amazing writing skills - that you've wanted for so long?
Unless you are confessing intense love, you hardly ever look into someone else's eyes for very long.
You fight against that devil for love as long as you may; when The Times comes, not all the angels in heaven shall save him!
C: My fellow Austrians, I shall not be seeing you again perhaps for a very long time. I would like to sing for you now, a love song.
I was waiting for you, to love me, as long as you accompany me, quiet enough.
Love you, it is true, love your eyes, large and bright. Love your lips, soft and mellow. Love you, long for you.
If love is great, if your heart is inclusive, please don't let me wait too long, okay? I wait for you in my city, you ready?
Or, if you have been together a long time, you may discuss an old wound or problem that has troubled you or your partner for quite a while and has prevented deeper love from flourishing.
Don't say who you love most, life is still very long, who also can't predict tomorrow, maybe your true love is still waiting for you.
Yesterday, when I asked you if you trust one's feeling, you said you have been in disbelieving the love for a long time.
You can also shop for furniture and electronic goods, and be confident that you will find things for your home you will love for a long time.
You are who you are, and as long as you treat people with respect, stand up for what you believe in, avoid arrogance and love yourself wholeheartedly, you can't go wrong.
Can not give you how much touched, but I can love you for a long time.
I will take you to the remotest corners of the globe, as long as you love and I will do for you.
I have loved you and waited you for quiet a long time. But now, it's time to leave, longer than my love.
I'm not the fish, you are not the water. I think I wouldn't love you for long, because it's love at first sight.
Know that if you get rejected in love and relationships, there is always someone else out there and a soul mate for you. It really can take you this long to find your love.
Facing the choice that you have dreamed for a long time, you hesitated, then in order not to miss the happiness way you thought, you choose to bear the other responsibility, to love the other heaven.
If I leave can be for your happiness, I am willing to leave, as long as you knew, I am, really love you.
These are the hands that will work long hours for you and your new family, the hands that will love and cherish you for a lifetime of happiness.
My love for you, so long that I've been savin '. Tonight was made for me and you.
But in the long run, it will be the appreciation you have for your own real self, and the support of the people who love you, that will restore your sense of serenity and well being.
But in the long run, it will be the appreciation you have for your own real self, and the support of the people who love you, that will restore your sense of serenity and well being.