The combination of low pressure on one side and high pressure on the other creates a drag force that must be overcome — a significant waste of energy.
The side-effects include high blood sugar and diabetes, kidney damage, diarrhea, high blood pressure, high blood fats and cholesterol, rashes and low counts of white blood cells.
Low pressure at one end draws oil away while the heavier-and 99 percent clean-water flows out the other side.
Relative measures were taken to the floating ring on the low pressure side of LP cylinder and corresponding sludge oil collector, to ensure stable operation of the freezing machine.
Under these conditions the pressure is too high on both the low pressure side and the high pressure sides.
The Stirling engine is effectively used with a gas bearing which has low pressure resistance to side force.
The most likely cause of such low pressure in the high pressure side of the system would be insufficient refrigerant.
As the piston travels in one direction, through a one way valve, it draws in the refrigerant gas from the low pressure side of the circuit.
The catalyst also had high side pressure, low bulk density and good capacity of self - generation.
The catalyst also had high side pressure, low bulk density and good capacity of self - generation.