Relatively low ordering temperature for the multilayer is due to the extra driving force of ordering process caused by the vanishing of the multilayer interface at annealing.
Thecomplete annealing temperature of the defects for low fluence irradiated GaP was250K lower than that for high fluence irradiated GaP.
A novel low temperature switch material VO2 thin film was fabricated by ion-sputtering and annealing.
The formation process of SIMOX structure during low temperature annealing are also discussed in the paper.
The experimental results show that the ratio of the bar-like defects to the point-like ones decreases with increase in time of nucleation annealing at a low temperature.
The formation of oxygen precipitates and threading dislocations in top Si layer could be avoided by low temperature annealing.
The affection of different annealing process conditions on TiN film stress is also researched, low temperature annealing of film can be realized.
There are precipitation strengthening effect during nature aging and low-temperature annealing, however, the conductivity remains stable basically.
A method of annealing for a long time at low temperature can be used to improve the plasticity and make the products acceptable.
Hardness can do 61 — 65hrc maturation process is: annealing, softening after casting machining, machining of air cooling after quenching and low temperature stress tempering.
Hardness can do 61 — 65hrc maturation process is: annealing, softening after casting machining, machining of air cooling after quenching and low temperature stress tempering.