These are low cal aids that help to establish the feeling of feeding yourself without consuming too many calories, preventing the urge to snack.
Although many seem to be making some attempt to offer low CAL alternatives, they end up ruining these offerings with sauces and dressings loaded with fat content.
Find the healthiest low-cal recipes (EatingWell magazine or Mayoclinic can be a good source of tasty recipes) and fix them this week.
Half the mice in each group ate a high-fat diet for 16 weeks while their counterparts crunched on low-cal food.
This trait gives us an advantage when a spread consists of low-cal, filling fare such as veggies and lean protein.
With the consideration of the characteristics of the low frequency UWB-SAR system, the radiometric calibration, polarimetric calibration and the motion status CAL.
本文充分考虑低频uwb - SAR系统的特点,从辐射校准,极化校准和运动状态校准等方面展开深入的研究。
So is grilled chicken or a green salad with low-cal dressing.
Our bodies don't completely digest the low-cal sweeteners, such as sorbitol, found in sugar-free gum.
You may still decide to stop at a fast-food joint on a long trip, but stop at a grocery for low-cal snacks, too.
If you can't skip cream and sugar, be stingy with them or use low-cal or fat-free versions.
If you can't skip cream and sugar, be stingy with them or use low-cal or fat-free versions.