Most of the ELC teachers will give you a low grade if you are often late.
Bryant then elaborated on why he gave Kupchak a low grade in recent seasons.
But contrary to the deregulation rhetoric, this was not to be a planning free for all littered with low grade industrial sheds.
Meeting my eyes, he continued, “I gave you a low grade because I was hoping to send a message that forced you to confront this matter.
This article compares control systems of heat consumption in buildings using conventional heat sources and those using low grade heat sources.
If your doctor leaves pieces of the baby, placenta, umbilical cord, or amniotic sac in your body, you may develop pain, bleeding, or a low grade fever.
Sink and accessories free combination, high, medium and low grade optional, and offers a variety of packages, provides professional consulting services and custom.
Then this low-pressure liquid Freon goes out of the capillary pipe through Control valve 13 and enters Heat-exchange unit 16 to consume heat from low grade heat source.
Your results will depend on your specific refractive error and other factors. People with a low grade of nearsightedness tend to have the most success with refractive surgery.
Meanwhile, only limited number of research papers [7-10] try to examine combined work of heat consumption in buildings control systems and heat pumps (low grade heat sources).
同时,只有有限数量的研究论文[7 - 10]试图研究相结合的建筑耗热量控制系统和热泵(低品位热源)。
Yet, she noted, many young people are especially unwilling to take risks at school afraid that one low test score or poor grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.
In the study, 402 9th- and 10th-grade students from four New York City high schools in low-income areas were divided into three groups.
She noted, many young people are especially risk averse at school—afraid that one low test score or mediocre grade could cost them a spot at a selective university.
Outlined -- although the benign tumor, but potentially malignant or low-grade.
He also knows that big mining companies prefer mountains of low-grade ore to small, high-grade mines like his.
So when you eat out, you're either spending more cash or eating low-grade product.
Once you have been infected with H. pylori, the bacteria tends to cause a long period of low-grade inflammation in the stomach.
Many are being resettled far from their homes and given low-grade farmland; in Hubei, thousands of people have been moved to the grounds of a former prison.
Florence's husband hired a motorbike from a neighbour and took her to a local health centre - but it had only low-grade nursing staff.
A toddler who seemed lethargic and unresponsive had been running a low-grade fever since arriving at the orphanage after the earthquake. But she had not been taken to a doctor.
For the reasons of nature conservation great attention is paid at the systems that use low-grade heat sources in their work (that is heat energy of soils, air, discharge and drain).
Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion.
Cartilage debris within the joint results in low-grade chronic inflammatory synovitis and joint effusion.