Method Retrospective analysis of 30 patients who were undergone IABP for low cardiac output syndrome after coronary artery bypass graft.
Effetive prophylaxis and control of low cardiac output syndrome and pulmonary complication is a useful strategy.
The main complications were pulmonary infection, pulmonary hypertensive crisis and low cardiac output syndrome.
The major morbidity were low cardiac output syndrome and ventricular fibrillation.
The deformity is satisfied put right, effective prophylaxis and control of low cardiac output syndrome and pulmonary complication are the key factors to assure surgical outcome.
The reasons for death included low cardiac output syndrome (1 case), pulmonary hypertension crisis (2 cases) and respiratory failure (2 cases).
Results- The hospital mortality was (0.76%) (1/131), The leading complications were bleeding, low cardiac output syndrome, pericardial tamponade, cardiac arrhythmia , pneumonia and atelectasis.
The operative effects were good, except for a patient with preoperative left heart failure who died of the low cardiac output syndrome.
There were 3 cases of low cardiac output syndrome, 1 case of renal failure, 1 case of delayed pericardial tamponade and 1 case of sternal dehiscence after operation.
Clinical materials and results the 4 patients all had severe low cardiac output syndrome after open heart surgery, one of them associated perioperative acute myocardial infarction.
Clinical materials and results the 4 patients all had severe low cardiac output syndrome after open heart surgery, one of them associated perioperative acute myocardial infarction.