It is featured with high system capacity, low power spectral densities, exceptional multi-path immunity, simple structure and low probability of detection.
UWB-IR technology has been concerned in military communications in recent years because of its high data rate, low power consumption, low probability of detection and low probability of interception.
For the problem of passive location under low detection probability, a multi-sensor fusion tracking algorithm based on sliding window batch technique is presented.
It offers low false alarm rates and nuisance alarm rates without compromising on high probability of detection levels.
Low probability of interception (LPI) sonar selects appropriate transmitting signals and reduces the probability of being intercepted by hostile scouting sonar while it maintains detection capability.
Simulations of real IR image sequence with low SNR prove the algorithm can effectively detect dim moving target, and has high detection probability and excellent real time performance.
It is high loss of rate in over-the-horizon radar on the condition of low detection probability.
It is high loss of rate in over-the-horizon radar on the condition of low detection probability.