The collapse mainly occurs in the low - water years or during the beginning of the dry season and rain season in a year.
According to the shallow mountain, the characteristics of low water content, choosing afforestation season planting is given priority to with spring, winter, rainy season.
Extremely uneven runoff distribution in a year and low water flow in dry season are causative of deterioration of the river water.
The results show that the soil water conduction of the plantation was very poor and the available water content was very low during the growing season.
Pot with fresh, cold water (enough to flood and half of bamboo) boil, will go to pot bamboo cook for 25 minutes after the big switch to low heat and simmer 90 minutes, season with salt.
Boil the water. Put in all ingredients. Boil over high heat for 20 minutes. Then turn to low heat and cook for 1 1/2 hours. Season with salt. Serve.
Throughout the growing season, low Rn and air temperature surpressed stand transpiration during spring. Such control of Rn persisted into summer when sufficient soil water was availiable.
During dry season with low hydraulic load, the system is at an anaerobic condition due to insufficient water mobility, and phosphorus release from the media occurs.
The upper reaches deforestation of Minjiang River presents positive correlation with the change of low water flow, which proves it is the main factor that generates decrease of runoff in dry season.
The water utilization ratio and benefit from power generation have been low, especially in flood season, since the Feilaixia Water Project has been put into service in 1999.
The water utilization ratio and benefit from power generation have been low, especially in flood season, since the Feilaixia Water Project has been put into service in 1999.