The California research team found that the median age of hospitalized H1N1 patients was 27, much lower than the median age of seasonal-flu sufferers.
This is part of a new wave of incandescents that come in at slightly lower wattages than their claimed equivalents (to comply with California law requiring greater-but not great-efficiency).
The Koreans are dumping units in the southern California market and we need a lower price to be competitive.
With taxes and prices also lower, an incomer from California might easily save 30% or more of his salary by moving from Silicon Valley to the "Silicon Hills" of Austin.
Arsenic levels are lower in rice from certain regions, including California and parts of India; rice from these sources could be blended with higher arsenic rice before sale.
California tried to push higher gas mileage cars. And, today, California still has a lower-per-capita use of electricity because of efficiency measures than the rest of the United States.
They find that the probability of a child born into the poorest fifth of the population in San Jose, California making it to the top is 12.9%, not much lower than in Denmark.
But material improvements from the California Institute of Technology and IBM might just lower the cost of solar power.
One firefighter has been killed battling huge forest fires in southern California as lower temperatures and a forecast for light rain bring hope of respite.
California job case: a kind of type case which accommodates both upper and lower case letters.
The company is located in the USA with its headquarters in the Lower Lake in California.
Douglas Freeman, a tax and estates attorney in California who works with wealthy families, says the men's Numbers are lower because they would feel threatened by women worth several million dollars.
常常和富有家族打交道的加州税务及不动产律师道格拉斯·弗里曼(Douglas Freeman)表示,男性开价之所以比较低,是因为他们面对拥有百万身家的女子时通常会感觉受到了威胁。
Some companies, like this winery in Northern California, are using the batteries to lower their energy bills by shifting their energy usage onto batteries when the cost of grid power goes up.
Some companies, like this winery in Northern California, are using the batteries to lower their energy bills by shifting their energy usage onto batteries when the cost of grid power goes up.