Wednesday have lost one of their last 16 Cup matches against teams from a lower division.
If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division.
If this football team doesn't get a result tonight, they will be put down into a lower division.
Credits earned at junior colleges and community colleges are always transferred at the lower division level.
Teams that finish last must move to a lower division the following year, while the best of the lower divisions move up.
It suits them and the club better if they are off with lower division sides getting some much needed experience under their belt.
You can have the option of applying for jobs only in the top playable division, bottom playable division, lower division jobs and 'any job at all'.
First-half profits at the division were almost 30 per cent lower than a year before as revenue slipped at its core fixed income, currency and commodities division.
Table 1 Resource gradients division of soil factors. The same values in adjacent grades are assigned to the lower grade.
The division goes as follows: public Spaces are located on the lower level, in a single tiered building facing the sea.
There have been different opinions on the Lower Cretaceous stratigraphic division of the Dongsheng area, on the northeastern margin of Ordos Basin for a long time.
However, the previous sequence stratigraphic division of the Lower Paleozoic carbonates is not suitable for target selection and development strategy optimization, influencing production.
On one hand, many companies seek IT outsourcing to lower their manufacturing cost. On the other hand, they want to follow the trend of division of labor and display their comparative advantages.
This comes from present China's lower level division of labor and lower talent capital accumulation.
I was hoping you might lower the price more than that. offsetThe losses incurred by the luxury car division in the last quarter were offset by the increase in the sales of compacts.
报价。出价; 提供。提议那是你最后的报价吗?我本来希望你可以把价格压得更低一点。抵消; 补偿小型车所增加的业绩弥补了豪华汽车部门在上一季度所蒙受的损失。
Now, the international operation of Chinese enterprises is still in primary stage and the level of participating international division is lower.
Generally reservoir intervals are classified by the lower limit of porosity and the fracture development is an important evidence for reservoir division.
Article 2 the present Provisions shall be applicable to the civil servants on the posts lower than the division director or on any other non-leading posts at the corresponding level.
Sedimentary facies division and paleogeographic evolution of gas-bearing intervals in lower Permian in northern Ordos basin.
He's tried and failed to take away the middleweight title from GSP. Perhaps it's time for him to compete in the division on the lower side of the lightweight division, the WEC featherweight title.
He's tried and failed to take away the middleweight title from GSP. Perhaps it's time for him to compete in the division on the lower side of the lightweight division, the WEC featherweight title.