The different vegetational parts differ in their food qualities: lower down, there are succulent, nutritious leaves; higher up are the harder stems.
Get the trysail aft and bent, and lower down the gaff.
But discontent is simmering lower down the ranks.
The houses, shops, cars and people belonged lower down the valley.
When he looked up, he saw a lamb just beginning to drink a little lower down.
Those lower down, who stand to get nothing, can be forced to accept a restructuring plan.
Lower down, at the foot of the Ayers Rock, most of the ground is covered with forest and grass.
Tax paying arrangement shall be done according to tax policy in order to lower down tax paying cost.
Sometimes we must lower down the goals to get the lower goal first, then to chase another higher goal.
Two-tone facias are dark at the top and light lower down to increase the sensation of light and space.
New mortgage products could also be adopted that make lower down payment mortgages more attractive to banks.
In colder climates, the snowline on mountains starts lower down, and erosion takes place at lower altitudes.
Passion calmed or lulled to sleep; something limpid, brilliant, troubled to a certain depth, and gloomy lower down.
Once upon a time a Wolf was lapping at a stream. When he looked up, he saw a lamb drinking a little lower down.
Intermaxillary elastic traction is recommended to lower down the condyle for facilitating reduction of old TMJAD.
But remain competition between railroad in peace days is crucial to lower down the price and improve the service.
I am a true adorer of life, and if I can't reach as high as the face of it, I plant my kiss somewhere lower down.
A brief entry lower down mentions that the soldiers killed 11 supposed insurgents and wounded one local Afghan civilian.
Under such condition our company tries to lower down the cost with good quality so that the competitive price can be ensured.
It also estimates a relevance score and sorts the results on this basis, thus shifting irrelevant articles lower down the list.
CONCLUSION: On the premise of the proper use of medicine, the dynamic purchase can lower down the high price of pharmaceuticals.
Secondly the enzyme is inhibited by an intermediate lower down the metabolic pathway, usually either phosphoenolpyruvate or citrate.
This article illustrates how open pit mine adjusts the striping schedule so as to lower down production cost and improve enterprise benefits.
The detination of tobacco inflation is to enlarge the structure of cell, and lower down the density of tobacco, and improve the filling value of tobacco.
"Most often, the ingredients lower down on the list aren't present in high-enough concentrations to have any impact on the shampoo's performance," Begoun says.
On the basis of analyzing a loader 's operation road-surface spectrum, a new method utilizing powered damper to lower down a loader' s shocking is offered.
Sales teams can often test drive their provocations with advocates lower down in the customer organization or with third parties who are well acquainted with the company.
Sales teams can often test drive their provocations with advocates lower down in the customer organization or with third parties who are well acquainted with the company.