Loyal love is full of my heart, I can not estimate the wealth of their own.
Niulang and Zhinv are a married couple and had children, Qixi Festival conveys messages of devoted loyal love between married couples who want to grow old together.
The wedding ring is the outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual bond which unites two loyal hearts in endless love.
While he displays all the signs of love, she would make him realize how loyal she can be and make him feel the relationship is complete and whole.
You come back to base [to these dogs] that are so freakin' loyal -- a dog who is waiting for you, who will play with you because they love you.... There are so many benefits.
You will be happy to know that Aquarius man in love are very loyal and true.
Because of a love of reading, after all he is not less a loyal friend, a good teacher, a warmth and comfort.
If I really love the career Ichoose, I will be one of the most loyal employees in the enterprise.
If I really love the career I choose, I will be one of the most loyal employees in the enterprise.
Love is the soul of the two close in life and loyal, kind and beautiful things of harmony and the tacit understanding.
May you find warmth in others, expressions of love and kindness, smiles that encourage you, and friends who are loyal and honest.
You must love loyal advisors and servants, whether they be foreigners or our own people, and spare no effort to serve the common good.
As if 'being in love', an emotional state as volatile as any mood, were a prerequisite to staying loyal.
The love flame, needs unceasingly to increase loyal and the trust firewood.
You will fully concentrate yourself to love someone, so you are considered? Competitive? As you are always loyal to your lover.
To love and be loyal to the man she loves, and to touch the infinite feelings in his heart, and even to make a woman's soul lost.
Two couples deeply in love with each other in the real plight of the gap, still guarding each other, with body and mind are loyal to our pledge of love.
The loyal people only know the love of small zero small pieces, and again understand the great sorrow of love.
While Erik was earning his MBA, you demonstrated that you are a strong, loyal and dedicated woman who is willing to travel tirelessly back and forth between Jersey and Pittsburgh for the sake of love.
May you find warmth in others, expressions of love and kindness, smiles that encourge you, and friends who are loyal and honest.
I love you, like swans, every body has their perfect partner, who together form a supportive and loyal team.
It is not that they are lacking chemistry, it's because Jeff is a very loyal person when it comes to love, so he cannot look at Fish like she is his sweetheart.
You will fully concentrate yourself to love someone, so you are considered 'competitive' as you are always loyal to your lover.
On the other hand, no amount of gifts, favors, dinners, kindness, or a good family will make her feel ATTRACTION… at best these things can only make her feel a more "loyal" kind of love.
The researchers said the women feel pressure, first will emotional antenna reach others, looking for a loyal listener-this is a woman express love and trust way.
The researchers said the women feel pressure, first will emotional antenna reach others, looking for a loyal listener-this is a woman express love and trust way.